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Section 3. The officers of this Authority shall be and they are hereby authorized and directed on <br /> and after the execution of said contract by the respective parties thereto, to do and perforin on behalf of <br /> the Authority all acts and the things required of the Authority to perforin fully all of its obligations there <br /> under. <br /> Section 4. This resolution shall take effective immediately, Ms. Allen moved that the foregoing <br /> resolutions he adopted as introduced and read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Sha ken and upon <br /> roll call the"Ayes"and"Nays{'were as follows: <br /> Ayes Nays <br /> David Harsch <br /> Richard Halpern <br /> Jill Allen <br /> Kevin Shackett <br /> The Chairperson thereupon declared said motion carried and said resolution adopted. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Halpern read and distributed thank you notes received b <br /> the Board from Mrs. Botsford and Ms. Alice Eld. <br /> NET MEETING: The next t r ting will be held on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 6:00 PM. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT: A motion was rade by Mr. H rsch and seconded by lis. Allen t <br /> adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at :40 P.M. <br /> y ub itted, <br /> ila Botsfo d, Secreta <br /> xecutive D rector <br /> -3- <br />