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Budget to Actual Report: Mrs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br /> accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. Mrs.. Botsford reported that, since <br /> our Fiscal Year 2011 has net yet been approved, this report is based on last year's figures. <br /> Accounts Pa abler# firs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrant for signature <br /> tonight is for the month of November 2010 and total as follows: $22,290.42 for 4001, $12,158.00 for <br /> Section 8, $16,179-00 for MRVP, and $23,624.92 for Asher's Path Apartments. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: We have all rents paid in full at Breezy Acres and Homeyer pillage. One resident at <br /> Asher's Path has not paid and promises to pay by Monday. If not paid by thea, a 14-Day Notice to Quit <br /> will be served. <br /> motion was made by Nor. Harsch and seconded by Ms.Allen to accept the treasuirer's report <br /> s presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she,had mailed her report to the board for the months of NovLernber she added <br /> the following as an addendum to her report: <br /> We had our holiday party at Horneyer Village last week and one atAsher's Rath last night. The <br /> one at Asheijs Path was very well attended -38 residents of 5E came. <br /> The annual financial audit of Asher's lath is starting next week. Torn Joy and I will meet with the <br /> auditor on Tuesday. <br /> COLD BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy Acres.Expansion update: Mrs. Botsford gave a brief update to the members, including that we are <br /> still negotiating the septic treatment contract. HAC is trying to coordinate a meeting in early January to <br /> meet with all parties. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Approval and Execution of Contract for Mate-Aided Public Capital Improvement Progra . 1 Work Plan. <br /> 5001 Project No 172009: <br /> The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Halpern, read in fuli and considered: <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONTRACT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IT ORI PLAN <br /> FOR <br /> STATE-AIDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EMENT WORK PLAIT! No, 5001,, Project No. 172009 FOR <br /> HOUSING PROGRAMS chapter 667 &705 t <br /> NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MEM BERE THE MASH PEE HOUSING <br /> AUTHORITY, AS Fo LLOW , <br /> Section 1. The Authority shall enter into a contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in <br /> the form submitted at this meeting and contract in the name of I ashpee Housing Authority under its <br /> corporate seal, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to attest the same. <br /> Section 2. The Authority hereby requests the Director of the Department of Housing and <br /> Community Development(Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs) enter into such <br /> contract with the Authority and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to approve such contract. <br /> -2 - <br />