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MASHPEE • Co <br /> MAY 153 1996 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> IV OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) <br /> Open House Preparation: Joanne passed out the invitations to the open <br /> house. Plans and scheduling were discussed. <br /> Archives Schedule: Joanne passed out the new schedule for the Archives <br /> relative to the new hours and commissioners' coverage during open hours. <br /> Discussion. Ann Whitlow is the schedule coordinator, if there should be <br /> any conflict in the schedule as prepared. <br /> Discussion of moving of the chapel. <br /> Budget for 1996: .Joanne explained that we will get back to the budget <br /> discussion in the course of the next meeting. <br /> V NEWBUSINESS: <br /> Commission Membership: Bob Lynch had discussed with Joanne that he would <br /> not seek reappointment (June 30, 1996) . He felt that he could not com- <br /> mit himself to the membership due to personal commitments, <br /> This development will affect the new schedule that has just been prepared. <br /> This brings us down to only four members on the commission. Joanne sug- <br /> gested ested that we should seriously discuss and make some effort to solicit new <br /> members. Joanne suggested that there might be a member of the Indian Meeting <br /> House, who might want to work together with us, and they might want to serve <br /> n the commission. <br /> We really should start brainstorming about who might be interested in member- <br /> ship on the commission. <br /> New Acquisitions: The items that are presently being stored iu the Archives, <br /> Joanne suggested that they would meet with Bob Whritenour and would try to <br /> emphasize the fact that some of these original artifacts should be moved <br /> into oneP lace. When they move back into the torn hall, perhaps some of <br /> those original documents should be permanently stoked in the Archives. <br /> Joanne felt that it was important that they push that. <br /> Jane Labute had donated to the Archives a directory of all of those who <br /> had attended the Lawrence H. ,/Falmouth H. S. , their names and addresses, <br /> which couldp ossibly be helpful if we should want to have another open house. <br /> Shirley Peters original drawings from the cook book. Sbe felt they should be <br /> doused here, Shirley Peters wanted to donate those to the Archives. <br /> Frank Dicks moved that the N. C. accept these new acquisitions. All in favor. <br /> So moved. <br />