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MASHPEE HISTORICAL COiMSSION <br /> JANUARY 8s, 1997 <br /> PAGE THEE <br /> 1v NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Budget: Joanne reported that the budget had been due last Friday, <br /> January 3rd, but she had requested permission to hold it over until. <br /> this Friday, so that the meeting could Grote to approve the budget. <br /> Joanne reviewed the budget sunaar ary with the meeting. .Joanne explained <br /> that she had requested $6,000 for FY 1998,- so that the H. C. could <br /> purchase the computer with the genealogical software, the database <br /> etc. .. and to fund the computer training on any of these courses, and <br /> the resulting increased phone bills, and the purchase of a new fireproof <br /> file cabinet had also been discussed. <br /> Joanne reviewed the goals and plans for fiscal 1998 and the three-year <br /> outlook with the commissioners. <br /> The members recommended that the budget application be submitted as <br /> presented. <br /> Jima Moroney suggested- that in the future, he would lie to see more <br /> notice on the budget preparation, since he felt it really should be <br /> n activity of the commission. Perhaps the commission, as a whole <br /> should-be involved in this process. <br /> Joe Connelly suggested that a budget committee be formed, then the <br /> budget committee should report to the entire committee before the final <br /> draft of the budget preparation. <br /> Jim Moroney and Ann' whitlow volunteered to comprise the -budget committee <br /> for Fiscal '9.9, altog with the chairperson, <br /> B. Inventory Control: Jim Moroney briefly discussed the inventory control <br /> systems on which he had been working <br /> vertical. File: Jim observed that a great' deal of work had been completed. <br /> Having said that, he would further suggest that they not do any more work <br /> on it. He felt it w'as duplicated.' Jim suggested, that at some point, <br /> they should affix a pl cque on it, "Marie Scal.ley Memorial vertical File". <br /> Jim contiriued, ,we have to keep in mind, these fireproof files cost $1,500. <br /> We're spending $1,500 to hold newspaper clippings. Me anwhi lc, we by <br /> documents of historical interest that are really at the mercy, <br /> Rosemary Burns suggested that we move the newspapers out of the fireproof <br /> file. . Marie Scalley was one who had proposed just that. We were going <br /> to pursue regular file cabinets that it appeared were available. However, <br /> that project was never accomplished. Rosemary added that from here on, <br /> all nespa.per information should be accessible through the computer. <br /> Jima Moroney suggested that the H. C. can purchase used office furniture <br /> in good condition for a great deal less than retail prices,, <br />