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MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> JANUARY , 1997 <br /> PAGE TATO <br /> III REPORTS (Cont'd) <br /> A. Cemetery: (Cont'd) Joe Connolly continued that we would like to have <br /> another article on the warrant that follows this, asking that a deter- <br /> mination be made relative to who will maintain these cemeteries. <br /> The above recommendation was put to a motion. All in favor, So moved. <br /> Joanne stated that she and Joe would follow up with a memo to the <br /> selectmen relative to the maintenance of the cemeteries. <br /> P. Computer: Ann Whitlow reported that the idea of getting a computer <br /> through the school department had been abandoned, since there were too <br /> many repercussions, They had decided that since they had budgeted <br /> for the computer, they would continue in that vein and purchase it on <br /> their own. Ann had spoken to Steven Buss, our new Network Administrator <br /> relative to our needs. He feels that the historical commission can <br /> purchase the 'b s les for what they had budgeted, between $2,500 and3,000. <br /> They will wait for the special programs, the genealogical, etc. They <br /> want to purchase the Network and the dedicated phone lime this year. <br /> They will probably -have it in before April. <br /> Arra continued that they had three quotes for the computer purchase, <br /> required by the town. Then she had shopped in Lechmere and Staples, <br /> and they were so much less expensive than what she had seen previously. <br /> Ann and Steve Buss will look in Staples since the town las an account <br /> with them. <br /> Mr. Whritenour has assured- the H. C. that they will be able to connect <br /> with the town, and will have access to those records which are available <br /> to the town. <br /> C. Cultural Grant: Ann reported that the historical commission had received <br /> the grant in the amount of $300.00 and the proper "tha.nk you" has been <br /> sent. <br /> D. Stationery: Axon asked if everyone was pleased with the new stationery. <br /> The commissioners thanked -Axon for working on this project. <br /> E. Museum Study: Rosemary Burns rep Iorted that she had attended the last <br /> meeting of the tribal. council* Rosemary had a copy of the minutes <br /> which were available for the review of the commissioners. She suggested <br /> that it would be appropriate if other members of the commission attended <br /> the January 15th meeting of the Tribal. ,Council. ' Joanne agreed to attend <br /> with Rosemary. Joanne stated that their position was to attend as ob- <br /> servers only to keep abreast of what was happening. <br /> Rosemary made eop les of the inventories that the H. C. had from the <br /> museum and passed the inventories on to the tribal. council. <br />