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HISTORICAL C01�SSION <br /> JUNE 18, 1997 <br /> PAGE TEME <br /> VI OT ER: (Continued) <br /> Joanne stated that she personally, was not in favor of associate members. <br /> Following discussion, it was agreed that this subject would be discussed <br /> further at the July meeting. <br /> E. Ann Whitlow recommended that for the Pow-Wow week-end tai try to keep the <br /> Archives open to the public that Saturday and Sunday. Joanne suggested <br /> that it would be appropriate to leave the exhibit set up from the opera house, <br /> for the week-end of the Pow-Wow. Ann volunteered to cover the Archives for <br /> several hours during the Pow--Wow week-end. Rosemary Earns agreed to volunteer <br /> some of her time for the week-end, as well. <br /> VII ADJOURNMENT: <br /> Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a. m. <br /> NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY,. JULY 23, 1997; :3 t M1b <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Bar Xar <br /> Board Secretary <br />