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f <br /> HISTORICAL OMMI S IDN <br /> 8/20/97 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> IV OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) <br /> Membership renewals: (Continued) Ann explained that they could get a great deal <br /> f this information from the Internet which should be a consideration when think- <br /> ing about renewal.. <br /> Historic District: Joanne explained that last month they had had a packet from <br /> Eric Smith relative to the Historic. District. Basically, there were two items <br /> that they should consider in the packet. Primarily, there will be an Article <br /> for the October Town Meeting requesting that a committee be formed to study or <br /> investigate historic commissions. Joanne suggested they take a gate-whether, <br /> or not, they will support the article, The study, will consist of seven members, <br /> . <br /> one of which must be a member of the historic commission. It should be decided <br /> whether anyone is interested- in sitting on this committee. , Joanne felt that <br /> this should pass without much "todo". <br /> Prank Dicks suggested here were two things to be considered, one was a zoning <br /> change, or the establishment of a historic district. Frank felt that it required <br /> great deal more study before they should decide whether to support this committee. <br /> Joanne explained that looking at this packet, there was nothing for the commission <br /> to discuss until the study committee had been established. <br /> Joanne asked the meeting: "Do we want to make a motion to support this Article <br /> if it should come p' on the floor of the October Town Meeting?" <br /> Aran Whitlow moved that the historical commis ion accept the Article for the study <br /> committee for the zoning change and the establishment of a historic district. <br /> Prank dicks seconded. All in favor. So moved. <br /> Joanne explained, the question was, if there is a study committee established, <br /> the commit t {..s all consist of seven members. if this committee is formed, there i <br /> will be an obligation on the part .of the H. C, - to be represented. ' -Joanne' asked 4� <br /> if there Frere anybody at this meeting who would be interested in serving on the <br /> study committee, <br /> Ann Whitlow explained that, they, as a commission, h ire' been .sworn to uphold and <br /> preserve. ' Someone will have to sit on this committee. Ann .stated that if <br /> Rosemary Burrs or Gordon Peters could not, or would not, then Ann would volunteer. <br /> Discussion followed re. study committee and zoning change to .establish an historic <br /> district in Mashpee Villag c-2 Center. <br /> Joanne explained that. Jessica Rowcraft would be in the 'Archi re , Thursday, August <br /> 1., 1997 telati e to the creation of the historic district in - iashpee Village <br /> Center for October 1997 Annual Town meeting. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Meeting adjourned 10:25 A. M. <br /> NEXT MEETING: MONDAY: OCTOBER 2 , 1997; 9:30 A. M, <br /> Res ctful.l. submitted, <br /> , B ar retary <br />