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istorical Commission <br /> 1/18/2000 <br /> PAGE W - <br /> GOALS FOR 2000 : (Continued) <br /> Ann would like the commission to continue on a. more united. <br /> fashion. She felt that they had lost sight of the fact that <br /> they -were a historical - commission, and the headquarters were <br /> the ' Archives . That doeS not mean 'that their only job was to <br /> keep the Archives open or,,the ' publ'ic , There were other <br /> things to attend to such as the burial grounds in the town, <br /> as, well. as the open-space lands that cone up before they- <br /> become a question in the public ' s eye. <br /> Ann suggested we should be looking at the historic 'district , <br /> what is being dome . The commission should be -looking at the <br /> buildings they are looking at , the lands that they were <br /> looking t ; looking at the by-laws from Mass . Historical for <br /> local historical commissions . <br /> They should be attending planning board- meetings , knowing <br /> what land they mere talking about . <br /> Ann explained there was a great deal of building going on in <br /> ission ' main job should be to try to pro- <br /> "iashpee . The commtect the burial sites . They should be aware of where some <br /> of the cart paths , ancient goads were. <br /> Discussion . <br /> VI REPORTS <br /> A. computer : Ann explained that she planned to take each of . <br /> the commissioners and explain that they have upgraded and <br /> now have a readable OD, and a re--writeable CD . Through <br /> this they will be able to ' s-ave all of- their materials . <br /> B . South Mashpee School : R. Burns suggested that they <br /> make certain that they have permission from 'the selectmen <br /> before they decided what they. wanted to do . <br /> - r <br /> O . eritag a Cape Cod : Ann explained that the theme this <br /> year for Heritage Cape Cod Week was 'Recreational Activities" <br /> After d i cussi n, , the commissioners agreed that they would <br /> continue preparing the history ,. and they would forego the <br /> Heritage Cape Cod exhibit and open -heuuse for this year . <br /> It .was also agreed that the commission would continue with <br /> the library history exhibit for the summer , <br /> D. Little Neck Bay Burial' Site : Aran stated there was no up- <br /> date on the Little Neck Bay Burial .Site . They were still <br /> awaiting hearing from Mass . Historical ' s word on what has <br /> happened . Ann will follow.up on this . <br />