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i <br /> Y <br /> H, ce <br /> 3/1.4/2000 <br /> PAGE <br /> V1 OLD BUSINESS : <br /> , Restoration - Conference : Ann explained at the last meeting. <br /> they approv-ed the restoxat ion conference . Ann felt that <br /> It was not worth the $85 . 00 - they diad paid for it . The <br /> eontent of the meeting did notapply to the H. Ce <br /> VII NEWBUSINESS : <br /> A. Historic District Committee : Prank . H.ieks- was present at- . <br /> their meeting la-st week. . Ann explained that Tori Fudala <br /> had called her . They grant to promote the historic district <br /> study, and bring it to the people, make them aware of what <br /> they are doing . Earl. Hicks wants to set up a presentation <br /> of these buildings . in the historic , distr .ct complete with <br /> maps and boundaries, and go out and. speak to the community, <br /> Michael Bailey Visit-ed the Ar' chives - yesterday since he had <br /> . b een present at the historic district meeting . Janice <br /> Walford thought she would like to have photos of buildings <br /> from the historic district , and a bit of history published <br /> in the ENTERPRISE . <br /> Ann explained that the Public Archaeology. Lab . has not fin- <br /> ished their h.i.sto.ry of the buildings within the historic <br /> district , since they have not -received the input from the <br /> ouc-il . <br /> Ann asked the meeting how they would like Ann to handle this . <br /> Rosemary suggested t-hat she would like to learn what is c.o.n- <br /> sidered the historic district , 'which buildings they are dis- <br /> cussing. <br /> i - <br /> cussing. <br /> Ann asked Frank to obtain a copy of the buildings within the <br /> historic district for the H. . . Frank stated that they ate <br /> going to ask the Town Meeting to accept up to this point , <br /> what they -h.ave already designated as historic district . <br /> D�sc.ussiori . <br /> B. 2000 PARD COMMITTEE - . Ann explained , at the budget meeting , <br /> or warrant committee, they had promised the park, committee <br /> $6510009 and the pork, committee would raise the other half <br /> through donations . As it turned. out ,, the selectmen, at a <br /> meeting , reduced that amount to $30 , 000 . <br /> Axon watched the selectmen ' s meeting last night . Joanne <br /> Ferragamo , who is the chairman of the 2000 o. mitt e made <br /> a plea , and the amount was again char e.d to $61 , 000. <br /> f <br />