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i <br /> Historical Commission <br /> 11/2/00 <br /> t <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> Iii REPORTS : (Continued) <br /> , Rosemary explained that she had called Kathy Frisbee who <br /> authored an article in the newspaper , who stated that she <br /> received the information from the present owner relative <br /> to the house having been moved to o,tuit in 1920 . Rosemary <br /> explained that she had' called the owner , and that she had <br /> given the owner information about the property when h . first <br /> - bought the house.- Apparently the owner had lost the informa�- <br /> tion that Rosemary had given him, and he remembered the de- <br /> tails inaccurately. He asked if Rosemary would please send <br /> him the correct information. Unfortunately , in the meantime, <br /> everybody read the- incorrect information, and believes it <br /> is accurate. <br /> . The Computer : Ann had distributed -a memorandum to all <br /> Town departments relative to the historical commission ' s <br /> new e-mail address ; <br /> -mail : mhistorical@capcod .net <br /> Web S it.e : www, capecod .net/mashpeearchiv'es/ <br /> lv OLD BUSINESS : <br /> 1 . Jim Moroney discussed the locators , the new set-up of the . <br /> reference material , the exhibit material , etc . for the commission ' s <br /> information. <br /> Discussion. <br /> 2 . Digital Camera : Ann explained that they had d cussed the pur- <br /> chase of a digital camera, that that would be the big-ticket <br /> item from their budget this year . Ann has researched then, and <br /> what they want . They want a good quality product ; they want t <br /> be able to take pictures of their collection, and photos of <br /> special occasionso Ann would like to have one for - the Jeb, for <br /> power-point presentations . She 'explained that the Kodak digital <br /> has been given a very high rating . Also there is a Japanese <br /> product - Toshiba � Ann is looking at . In order to have the <br /> zoom and the panoramic capability and the clearer picture , <br /> they are talking about between $800 and $1 , 000. <br /> Rosemary Burns made a motion that Ann Whitlow f, nd a digital <br /> camera that will serve their purposes under $1 , 000. Frank Hicks <br /> seconded . All in favor . So moved . <br />