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Under Old Business, Commissioners reviewed the draft work plan goals and objectives for <br /> calendar 2005. Some modifications were made to reflect the current status of accomplishments <br /> and the results expected by the end of December 2005. Copies of the-revised work plan will be <br /> distributed. <br /> Chairman Whitlow reported that Ray Martini had retired and she had given him a plaque and a <br /> book on the history of Mashpee from the Commission. Members agreed unanimously to <br /> acknowledge Mr. Martini"s years f service and the hire for his many kindness in taking <br /> care of the Archives building. <br /> Rosemary Burns stated that review of the Nickerson Funeral books donated by Hamilton <br /> Whiting's estate is complete. Planning is underway as to how best to incorporate the information <br /> to make it most useful from researchers. <br /> Under New Business,.Ms. Whitlow noted that Joseph and pail Slatterly have volunteered to <br /> become Commission members. It was voted unanimously to request the Board of Selectmen t <br /> appoint Mr. &Mrs. Slatterly to the Conunission, <br /> The Commission was asked to provide a member to serve on the new Community Preservation <br /> Act Committee, following approval at the last Town Meeting to participate in this program- It <br /> was voted unanimouly to request the Board of Selden to appoint Lee Gurney to this <br /> Committee. <br /> ' r <br /> Ms. "tlow also,stag that the Bylaw Committee that she had participated in on behalf of the <br /> Commission had disbandedl, but it was expected to be reestablished since the recommendations a <br /> of this committee had not been accepted at Town Meeting. Commissioners agreed that further <br /> participation by Ms. whitlow was not necessary. <br /> Members noted-that the old.Indian Meetinghouse has a construction fence and trailer on site and <br /> appears to be about to receive some maintenance or renovation but its nature or extent is not <br /> know. Members will attempt to learn what is planned in order to see if there is a role for the <br /> Commission 1n this project. <br /> The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 1:00 pm. <br /> Where being no further business before the Conimission, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm <br />