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-2- <br /> Lee <br /> 2-Lee presented a list of ten projects that we should spend some ti 'me n. <br /> 1. The Town's Local Comprehensive Plan needs updating. Our- section is entitled <br /> Heritage and Community Preservation. Our current section is 12 years old. <br /> 2. -A reconnaissance-level Archeological Survey is needed to be addresse' <br /> 11e have <br /> applied fora grant of$20,000 for historic preservation from the Community <br /> Preservation Act funds. Our proposal is under consideration, and it would need to go <br /> before the fall Town Meeting for-approval. <br /> 3. Preparing pamphlets of historical points of interest, similar to the ones that we have on <br /> the Town of Cetuit. rosemary is interested in writing serine of these, starting with one on <br /> the history of South X11 ashpee or the one-room schoolhouse. If we can get funding from the <br /> CPA, she would be interested in writing a books. She mentioned that she has worked with <br /> Janice Walf rd at the Maishpee Enterprise who has supplied us with many pictures in the <br /> past,,including ones of the Tindale house and the Bugbee cottage. Frank Lord said he <br /> would loops into what form of information we could give to the Chamber of Commerce, now <br /> that they are up and running. <br /> . Archives Research 4 Lee wants to invite a consultant to see if we need to beep all our <br /> present records. <br /> . We would like' o scan and index Nickerson l erson Funeral Home records-for town historical <br /> purposes. <br /> . Corvert VHS tapes to CDs. 11e have begun the process to convert the tapes using a <br /> new machine purchased last year. This will be ongoing as time permits. <br /> . We would lik eto prepare sone PowerPoint presentations using histori cal narratives and <br /> pictures we have. One such presentation could be used at the one-room schoolhouse for <br /> the children who would tour the building on a school field trip. <br /> . Help Friends of the Schoolhouse. Two board members, Frank Lord and Gordon Peters <br /> are actively involved in that project. (Frank is also-a Board member of the Schoolhouse <br /> Friends.) <br /> . MHC Policies and Procedures manual needs work and the Orientation Guide should be <br /> updated. , <br /> 1 . l ese na urr s' yard files - She has extensive card files n her data obtained from <br />. r <br /> Torn'Annual Deports from 1890-1995. We should assess whether or net creation of a <br /> database from this material would be helpful. <br /> . r <br />