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§3=50. Meetings: Meetings of the 'Commissibn shall be herd at the call of thre Chairman, <br /> at the request of two members- and in such other manner as''the Commission' shall <br /> d termine in its Rules- end regulations. Fpr emb es-of the-Commission,, not including <br /> alternates, shall constitute a quorum,. <br /> §3-51. Pow r and duties <br /> A� Commission- shall me i its r rs irk.administering tering a!nd r gl ting the <br /> construction and alteration ' f any- st;ructUres or buildings within any Focal <br /> Historic District tablish�l within the'Town f ashpe s et forth. under the <br /> ro dur s .and criteria-established In this.Article. In 6xrcisin�g its powers.and <br /> duties hereunder, the' omm'fission 'shall' .,pay due. regard t -the distinctive <br /> characteristics o each buildir� , structure and I ti'ict ar a. In' addition, the <br /> Commission may exercise n r other powers r duties designated ar Town <br /> Meeting or•by the General Laws. <br /> B. The Com missin may:adopt, and front time- to time amend,- reasonable rules, <br /> ,regulations and guidelines- not inconsistent with the provisions of thi's Article or <br /> [ . .L .chapt r� 40C, setting forth such f rms and procedures- as it deems <br /> Aesirable and.necessary for the reguladon..of. its affairs and the-conduct of its <br /> business, including reuirernts for the contents and form of applications for <br /> certificates, fees, hearing <br /> procedure's and other matters -and design - idelins <br /> f r constrUction-arid alterations within -District area. The Com m ission shall file a- <br /> opy f am such rdf ; regulations and. guidelines s ori# the,•office,of the ` own' <br /> Clerk. ' <br /> C. The- or rnissi n shall kee •a permanent record of its resolutions, transactions, <br /> decisions and determinations and of the vote of each mernber participating <br /> therein. <br /> D., The Commission shall undertake ed cational',efforts to the public a'nd <br /> property owners the merits and functions of a Historic District. <br /> Also by adding a new chapter.I J •to read as follows: <br /> §110-o . EsUblishment and,Purposes. The Town of 1 shp a here0y establishes a Local <br /> Historic District, to. beadministered b. a i tod 'District Commission as pro'Aded for under <br /> Massachusetts Generai 1a s chapter 40C, as amended; The-purpose of the District is to aid <br /> in the preservation -and.,.protection, of-the distinctive characteristic's i -and architecture of <br /> buildings and places significant-irr the history of the.Town of Mashpee., the maintenance aid <br /> improvement of their seWngs and the encouragement of new building designs compatible <br /> with the existing.architecture, <br /> §x.10-2: monitions& The terms-refined in this section shall be capitalized throughout this <br /> Chapter, Where a defined. term has not been-capitalized, it is-intended that the meaning,of <br /> the toren'he the same as--the meaning ascribed to it it this section unless another meaning <br />