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40 <br /> T <br /> is clearly intended by its cdntextr As used in.this Bylaw the following ter-rns shall have-the <br /> fbilowin meaning: - F <br /> ALTEArtI , T TALT : . The act pr tine fact of rebuilding, reconstruction, restoration, <br /> %replicatio , removal, demolition, and other similar activities. <br /> BUILDING: A combination of materials forming.-a shelter for persons, animals or property, <br /> E1 `r I=I ATE:- A Certificate .of Aper= pni t n , a Certificatef' n-Appli abili r, or <br /> Certificate of Hardship as set forth in this ylavV.. <br /> COMMISSION: The'Historic District Commission as.established in this Bylaiw. <br /> r11ST1. 11, TO CONSTRUCT: Thi actor the fact of buildin9, �- �n ,, installing, <br /> enla-rging, moving and other similar activities, <br /> EM LMO ': Remo, val of any exp ting struct-we or portion thereof. <br /> DISPLAY'AREA: The total surface area: of a SIGH#, includii all letterin , -wordin , designs, <br /> symbols, background and frame, but not. induding any support structure or bracing <br /> incidental to the SIGN. The DISPLAY AREA of-an individdaI letter SIGN-or.irre -alar shaped <br /> SIGN -shall be -the area df the:smallest rectangle into which. the letters or shape will fit. _ <br /> Where SIGN faces'-are placed back tb back and face in opposite directions, the DISPLAY <br /> AREA shall ba defined as the area of one.face of the SIMV* <br /> DISTRICT: The Local Historic District as established in this Bylaw c nsls f-one or more <br /> DISTRICT areas. <br /> EX'T'ERIOR.AC%r � AL FEATURE: Such portion of the exterior of. -BUILDING or <br /> STRUCTURE as is .open to' view. from' a public very or ways, includin but not limited to <br /> _ ar hit fir'al",style and general arrangement and setting ,thereof, the kind and tyre of- <br /> exterior. <br /> f- <br /> ext rii r.building materR l , and the-type and style..of-windows, doors, lights,.signs and other <br /> appurtenant exterior Mures <br /> PERSON The applicant; an owner fad inin property; -arra owner f property <br /> within, the sane .- IST# ICT area; an -owner of propel within 100 feet of-said DISTRICT <br /> area;,add any charitable corporation in which one of its purposes .is.. the preservation of <br /> historic'pla ps' 'r structures,, BUILDINGS or districts. <br /> SIGNS:` Any symbol, design or device used to identify-or advertise any place of business, <br /> Product,, activity or person. <br /> �UCTURE; A combination of materials other than a BUILDING, including but not limited <br /> to a SIGNjence, wall, terrace, wa.1k or driveway. <br /> TEMPORARY STRUCTURE,, BUILDING or SIGH: _ A BUILDING or.STRUCTURE (other' than a. <br /> SIGN) not intended t 'be in existence for--a -period of more-than one year,, or a SIGN pot <br />