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Ms.Reed advised the Board that we need to develop and adapt an Emergency Case Plan,and discussed <br /> whether or not paying %or more for rent should be included. Ms.reed is to provide Burd with <br /> information for action at a later date. <br /> motion was made by Ms. Rudd and seconded by Mrs. Brooks to approve the Annual Contribution <br /> Contract(ACQ for the M VP Mobile and Project used programs. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> IVIS.Reed reminded Board members that the Executive Director's Contract and had not been signed, nor <br /> has a letter been written and placed in her file as voted at the July 11, 1996 Board of Commissioners <br /> meeting. <br /> letter from the Mashpee Housing Authority to Jon Juhl,developer for The Community Builders, <br /> indicating support for additional housing to be developed at Shawme Heights in Sandwich was shred <br /> with the Board. This letter was forwarded in July after discussion with Mr.Peoples. <br /> IVIS,Reed advised the Board that we may need to purchase a new copy machine. Board requested that she <br /> proceed with obtaining three quotes. <br /> There being no further business to come before this Board, a motion was mach by Mr. Long and <br /> seconded by Mrs.Mills to adjourn-the meeting. The motion carried. <br /> Next t meeting is scheduled for October 10, 1996. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ' rola A.ReA Secretary <br /> Executive Director <br />