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2. Update on progress--re: Tribal Council/HUD Office of Indian 140 usin- g__3 13 9 ; <br /> . Establish quarterly meetings with residents--]/9/97; <br /> . Create bi-annual newsletter--4/10/97, <br /> . Ongoing meeting with regard to 689 development--2/13/97; and, <br /> . Continue to seek out funding resources for affordable housing; advise and inform Board of <br /> housing conference and workshops; network with town officials, social service agencies, <br /> legislators, etc.; and, promote a strong working reltionship with Board and residents. <br /> motion vas made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by "s. Rudd to accept the report off'the <br /> Evaluation Committee And adopt listed go ts. The motion irrl d. <br /> Ms. Reed reported on the progress of the 689 d veloprfient -telephone calls are ongoing between. <br /> DMR and D.HCD specifically'regarding new develop'men' t vs. condo acquisition. The last <br /> conversation with Alan Champagne indicated thai if the M rd a d l MR choose to go the condo <br /> route, DHCD would "Probably" agree subsequent to looking at all costs factors. He would be in <br /> touch with Barbara Koro. Also, in conversation v6th Ms. Boro,, she 41dicatedthat unless w Frere <br /> able to acquire condos, DMR would not get involved. Ms. k oro will be available to meet with <br /> Mashpee Housing Authority at the next Board meeting. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Ms. Reed requested that hoard members suggest names of individuals who may be interested in <br /> serving as the Grievance Hearing Officer for the Mashpee Mousing Authority. This individual <br /> does not necessarily have to live in Mashpee--does not have to have housing background, but <br /> rather needs to be a sensible, common sense person with the ability to remain unbiased to either <br /> the authority or resident. Suggestions include Richard Terry and Judy Mills. This Dearing <br /> Officer must be approved by both the Resident's Association and the Commissioners. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> November was an extremely busy 'month for Section 8 and l V' P recertifications. She attended <br /> the Fall NAHRO Conference. Informative session oii wage:atch workshop; revised <br /> regulations, financing package workshop dealt Mostly with ublic p iv to funding through non- <br /> profits. <br /> Ms. Reed attended the DHOD public hearing on regulations which Was well attended by residents <br /> from other housing authorities. There was good representation of Executive Directors. Ms. <br /> Rudd testified and offered some excellent comm' e'nts with regard to relationships between <br /> Directors and Residents. The hearing was becoming a "bash" direct ors meeting and Ms. Rudd <br /> responded in a very professional manner. <br />