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1-� <br /> resignation. Yhe,motiow was-.carried.. --Board.members were encouraged to recruit potential <br /> members because Mr. Long will not be taking out,nomination,papers-and there will-be two seats <br /> vacant come May. <br /> Ms. Reed advised the Board that a triatdate has been set for April 14, 1997 in the litigation o <br /> Mattie May John�on vs:-Mashpee'Housing Authority. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Ms. Deed recommended purchase of a Sharp Copier, to be purchased from.Capewide Copiers. <br /> This recommendation was,based on the following: Cape 1de Copiers is.on the State co ntract-I ist, , <br /> the business is C1 --a Cod based pmts and supplies are stocked at the Sa. amore office and there <br /> is not charge for delivery; they,offered a$150:00 trade in allowance,for the old-machine; and? in <br /> addition to the 90 day warranty, will be responsible for Free maintenatice for one year. Capewide <br /> Copiers aiso offered a 90% pay back if we choose to upgrade within a twelve month period The <br /> total cost ofco p i er is $2,059.-00.-A► -notion was m ad e,by�,Mr.-Lon g and second d'by Mrs. <br /> Mills authotizing purchase of Sharp Com from Capewide Copiers at the cost o <br /> $2,059.00. The-motion-was-adopt . <br /> Ms. Deed requested reimbursement for a two weep rental of computer for home use in order to <br /> co mp lete typing. f policies; etc.-that were'lost s a-result M.RA computer break down. <br /> y <br /> Subse uentl , a motion wag made by Mr . Mills.mul.sec o4wdeby Mr.. oag appravlag tivis <br /> request not t exceed-,th e cost-of two-v cl s.rental. -The-mot ion-carried, <br /> Ms. Deed recommended-that-.eighty-dollar - $ o,.00).b e,allocated-from.the Section-8 account to . <br /> allow for one'resident to attend the Mass. Union of.Public Housing spring conference at the Cape <br /> Codder residents desire to attend; however;.there-is only twenty dollars remaining <br /> in the tenant account. The association i applying for scholarship from MU T to offset one <br /> tenant registration. A motion was made by Mr. Long and seconded by Mrs. M ills <br /> authorizing the,-0 erector to-pay the cost-of one registration froui.Section 8 dis crefil 0 iYary <br /> monies. The'motion carried. <br /> i <br /> A motion was.x ade-by Mrs. Mills,acrd seconded by Mr. Lo ng authori i'ng the attendance of <br /> the ExecutiveDirector and one Commissioner to attend Klass NAHRO Spring Conference - <br /> at Sea rest, 'The ru t"was carried. <br /> Review v of the,goals for the Executive Director was tabled until the next meeting. <br /> There being no further business-to come before this,Board, a motion was made by Mrs. Mips <br /> and seconded hy.)Kr.-Lon ..t adjourn:- Th meetin'g' adjourned at 8-12 p.m. <br /> Re etfully submitt , <br /> Carolyn ed, Secretary <br /> Executive Director <br />