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Minutes of the, Meeting <br /> Mahe Dousing Authority <br /> Board o Conmussionefs <br /> April 9, 1998 <br /> The meeting was called to.order by the Chairperson at 5:43 p.m. and a quorum declared. <br /> Members present: E. Stuart Peoples,Karen A. Rudd,Marie Younger and Constance M. Mills. Other is attendance included: Leila <br /> Botsford,Executive Director;and Cheryl Burke,Resident Association representative. <br /> Members absent: Jessie Ferr no <br /> SECRETARY'S R. P RT: <br /> Ms. Rudd announced that the minutes for the last four meetings need to be tom . Comnussioner Younger accepted to task of <br /> getting them all typed,with the help of lis.Ferino if possible. <br /> TREASURER'S REPRT <br /> Treasurer's report was distributed listing accounts activities for the month of February 1998 and the Budget to Actual and Narrative <br /> were presented to the Board for review: <br /> Accounts Payablcs totaling$6,265.71 were presented to the Board for review,approval and signatures. The bill-from MCI for the <br /> cellular phone was not paid. Mrs. Botsford will call thein to be sure the phone was returned by the former Director-and close the <br /> cellular account. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: The Executive Director reported that tenant rent cards have not been posted in computer since July 1997, so <br /> there is know way of definitely knowing who is delinquent. She is in the process now of sorting through everything and preparing to <br /> eater everything into the computer. This process will tale at least one full day,if not more. <br /> Audit Exit Report; Audit report was reviewed and each item explained by Executive Director and/or Chairperson Mudd who both <br /> attended the exit meeting. Ms. Rudd issued a written response to the auditors on the findings and Mrs. Botsford stated that she is in <br /> the process of addressing all items appropriately. <br /> motion was made by Nits. Nilly and seconded by Mr.Peoples to accept the Secretary's report as presented. The motion <br /> was adopted. <br /> PROGRAM UPDATE: <br /> TE: <br /> The Executive Director held an open house with the Homeyer Village residents on her first day from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AIH several <br /> residents stopped in for coffee, tea and a snack and all went well. <br /> Mrs.Botsford reported that one 705 resident came in with$600.00 towards a rent arrearage. when reviewing the file,an arrearage <br /> of over 1,000 was apparent as of December 1997. Once rent cards are entered into the computer and accurate figure will be <br /> available. <br /> Nis. Botsford reported that since starting Monday there has been little activity with leased housing programs. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she had spoken with iris. Nancy Ford at Mashpice Village. Currently there arc eleven(1 1)MRVP project <br /> based units that are not occupied by our tenants. Ms. Ford agreed that as they turn over,Mashpee Housing Authority will be asked <br /> to provide tenants off our waiting list. <br /> It was requested by Nis. Rudd that the Board be kept updated monthly on the number of participants we have in each program. <br /> to <br /> H MEY R VILLAGE RESIDENT ASSOCIATION: <br /> Ms.Burke reported that the open House was very rice and that she has heard many good things from the other residents. <br />