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s <br /> 1 <br /> IIs. Burke reported that she attended the Mass. 'Tenant Association Annual conference this past Saturday and thought that it was <br /> very good. She attended a forum on grievance procedures and learned a lot. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Elder Services/Senior Aide position vacancy:Ids. Audettc, a Homeyer Village resident,was terminated from her position due to the <br /> conflict of interest. It was reported by Mrs. Botsford that she has spoken to Betty Pease at Elder Services. Mrs.Botsford explained <br /> that Mashpee Housing Authority was still interesting in having a Senior Aide volunteer,but would not be able to have anyone who <br /> had any ties to the housing authority. M . Pease may have an appropriate replacement,and will get back to lis.Botsford. <br /> Ad for Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper: Mrs, Botsford reported that an ad was run on Wednesday and will run again on <br /> Sunday in order to start the process to fill the vacant position. Mrs.Botsford will be moving quickly through the process in order to <br /> get someone in to help her as soon as possible. <br /> NAHRO fall conference eacrest May 1 -20: A motion was made by Mrs.Mills and seconded by Ms. Lounger that Mashpee <br /> Housing Authority place an ad in the NAH .o program book. The motion was adopted. <br /> Registrations for the conference will be made by ilius.Botsford as follows: <br /> -Marie Younger will attend Monday with lunch and dinner included. <br /> -Constance MiRs will attend Monday with lunch included. <br /> -Leila Botsford will attend Monday and Tuesday with lunch only on bath days. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Overdue reports due DHCD:: Mrs. Botsford reported that several reports were overdue and one was due the next day. Some <br /> reporting forms cannot be located and she will need extensions to submit all reports. Mrs. Botsford will call DHCD for extensions. <br /> Adoption of 1998 MRVP Net Income Limits: Mrs. Botsford reported that she was unable to locate the schedule anywhere in the <br /> ffice. Ms. Rudd offered to FAX a copy to the I is hpee Housing Authority office and it will beprovided for resew at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Request for Response(RFR)Section 8 application: IVIS. Rudd reported that several Cape Cod Executive Directors met on Monday, <br /> April 6 to discuss submitting a regional response to the RBR. It was the consensus of all directors that, due to the overwhelming and <br /> complicated requirements o the RFR,it was not feasible to coo. Ms.Rudd reported that many local housing authorities are offering <br /> letters of support to Housing Assistance Corporation in their attempt at the RFR. A motion was made by Ms.Mills and seconded <br /> by M& Younger that Mashpee Housing Authority issue a letter of support to Housing Assistance Corporation with regards to <br /> their a►ppflation. The motion was adopted, <br /> OT R BUSINESS. <br /> Review one year contract for Mn.Botsford: lois. Rudd reported that,due to time constraints, she was unable to prepare the contract <br /> in time for the board meeting. She provided a sample copy of a contract to Mrs.. Botsf'or i who will type up and present at the neat <br /> meeting. This contract will nod to be sent in triplicate to DHCD for approval. <br /> Submission of documents outlining hiring procedures used by NIA Board to DHCD- Ms.Rudd reported that she wifl be writing to <br /> John Cannon at DHCD outlining the procedure used in hiring the Executive Director,and will need to enclose the resines of the <br /> three interviewees as well as the minutes of the meeting. <br /> Response to unemployment claim filed by past director: Ms.Rudd reported that she had filled out a form denying unemployment <br /> compensation for Ms. Reed,as the Board had agreed upon previously. A notice was received by Mrs. Botsford indicating that an <br /> appeal hearing will be scheduled. Vis.Rudd will need to attend to represent the Mashpee Housing Authority. It was the consensus <br /> of the Board that the Housing authority maintain its original position with regards to the denial of benefits. <br /> Withdrawal of all retirement funds for past director filed with County: a form ways nailed to� to complete that the previous <br /> Executive Director may withdrawn her retirement funds. sirs. Botsford will fill out and submit the forin to the County. <br />