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ri <br /> * COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> SNEDAfAprll 17'h: ibis.Rudd reported that SMEDA was holding a retirement party for Penny Tanner on April 17 and she will bye <br /> attending. Mrs.Botsford reported that due to the Meavy worldo d mead of her, she will not be attending this month's SMEDA <br /> meeting. <br /> All other communications/.correspondence received: sirs.Botsford reported that there were no unusual or special correspondences <br /> to share at this time. <br /> OPEN DISCUSSION* <br /> Mrs. Mills announced that she will be tendering her resignation to the Seleaman for her position with Cape Cod CommissionfHome <br /> Consortium. She stated that she would hke recommend Mrs. Botsford as her replacement. A discussion ensued and it was agreed <br /> that Mrs. Botsford will have a very heavy workload in the next couple months and will not have the time to participate in this group. <br /> Mrs. Mills agreed to hold off on her resignation until June. The subject of offering Mrs. Botsford as a replaccment will be reviewed <br /> at that time. <br /> Ms..Rudd mentioned that Carolyn Turner has been using her personal vehicle for housing authority business and has never been <br /> reimbursed for mileage. A motion was made by Mrs. Mills and sconded by Ms. Younger that Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> start to issue mileage reimbursement to Ms. Turner and that retroactive payments be made to Ms. Turner back to January 1, <br /> 1998,provided proper documentation is submitted. The motion was adopted. <br /> Teat meeting will be held Thursday,May 14, 1998 at 5:30 PM, Where being no further business to Borne before this Board,a motion <br /> was made by Mr.Peoples and seconded by Ms. Younger to adjourn. The motion carried. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. <br /> Res,pectftffly sub fitted, <br /> Leila Botsford, SecreUak) <br /> Executive Director <br />