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correct.all..problems--�ll� otsfo.rd.reported.that-m. - the help-of.Cheryl.Burke, <br /> the fi.rst monthly newsletter went out for June 1. Issues will go out monthly. The <br /> newsletter W ll.i. dude_i mportant events-and dates-tore. ember}. a.message-from <br /> the director, and an announcement of at least one recreational activity. Ms. R udd <br /> requested.that-the Commissioner -receive a-copy.of.the-monthly newsletter. <br /> Horneer Village Resident Association: lis. Burke reported that the association-had <br /> its,annuaL meeting. Ills.Burke-mentioned.the-monthly-n6wsletter as-well...Nothing <br /> further to report. <br /> old.Business <br /> Un l- t.gpp �for M&. ReadL cuter -th e.housing authority <br /> recently received notification that our application for review of Ms. Reed's claim has <br /> been.denied-and that any-further appeals-would.need.-to cGurt, -ropy pf the <br /> letter was distributed and a discussion ensued as to what position the Board should <br /> take.of-this matter.. A.motion..was-made-by,Ms. <br /> Younger that Ms. Rudd would confer with Attorney Grace, and to decide to take <br /> action,.,if any,.as.,her. 'The-motion was.adopted. <br /> Submission of documents outlining hiking procedures: Ms. Hudd reported that she is <br /> cwentl-y-putting-everything together_to-submit-to.DHC D. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Alai. ce..l__aborer.I ositiam- Mrs -.Botsford reported-thatGarolym Turner-gave <br /> notice and has left employment with MHA, Many residents cane to a t`g ing <br /> away_teak,-.was help for her and Mrs_.Botsford presented els. Turner with a- <br /> and gift certificate from the MHA Board and staff. The ad for a new Maintenance <br /> Laborer rare-in.thr-ea-newspap-ers.and four(4)-.resumes.-were received. Three <br /> applicants were interviewed by Mrs. Botsford, fills. Burke, and Ms. Barthel. 1t <br /> icholas Quesacto,pendirig-.COR1.resuIts. <br /> Mr. Quesado accepted the offer and will begin work on Tuesday, June 1 , 998. <br /> oTHEBUSI.NEss: <br /> Mrs. Botsford.mentioned-the-need.for a-copier. upgrade. Airs_ Botsford-has-gathered <br /> some information on a possible replacement and will gather more information, included <br /> lease,option and.confer with-the fee.-accou ntant-regarding.this.matter. <br /> Mrs. Botsford.reported that-the microwave in room has.been replaced. ' <br />