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leases are all double-sided, the process can be time consuming, frustrating, and often <br /> the machine gets jammed. Ills. Rudd mentioned that there is a Web site listing the <br /> copy machine dealers that have been awarded the State contract. A discussion <br /> ensued regarding the cost of a new copier. A suggestion was made that Mrs. Botsford <br /> get the cost of sending out double-sided iters to a copy company to do i.e. Staples, <br /> Mailboxes Etc). <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Mrs. Botsford relayed a problem to the Board regarding a tenant that had acted in a <br /> threatening manner towards her and stated that she would getting a no-tresspass order <br /> prohibiting her from entering our property. Ms. Rudd asked Mrs. Botsford to contact <br /> Attorney Grace for legal advice and/or assistance. <br /> coMMUI ICATI I SICOR ES NFENCE: <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that the only correspondence of significance received was the <br /> new regulations from DHCD. Notification was received of three workshops being done <br /> by Fiat Grace to go over the regulations. Mrs. Botsford will attend at least two of the <br /> three. <br /> Airs. Botsford mentioned the annual cookout being held on Saturday, ,duly 2 . An <br /> inMotation to all commissioners was distributed. <br /> Next meeting will be held Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 5:30 PM. Illls. Judd stated that <br /> she may not be able to attend the net meeting, due to the fact that she will be array <br /> for two weeks before then. She will contact the Vice-Chair should she be unable to <br /> attend. There being no further business to come before this Board, a motion was <br /> made by fulls. Mills and seconded by Ills. Proton to adjourn. The motion carried. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 p.m. <br /> I espectfu s Witted, <br /> i l a Botsford, Se creta <br /> Executive Director <br />