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mutes of the Meeting <br /> Mashpee ousing Authority <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> October 8, 1998 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 5:38 p.m. and a quorum <br /> declared with the following members present: Daren A. Rudd, Marie lounger, Lorraine <br /> Finton, Constance Mills and E. Stuart Peoples. others in attendance 'included: Leila <br /> Botsford, Executive Director, Cheryl Bunce, Tenant Association representative, and <br /> Richard Gilman and Pauline Jeffdes, residents of,Homeyer Village. <br /> SECF ET RTS REPORT: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on September 10, 1998 were presented. Motion was <br /> made by Ms. lounger and seconded by Mrs. Mills to accept the minutes a <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> Due to illness of the Chairperson, items from New Business were addressed at this <br /> point, so that votes and signatures could be obtained before Ms. Rudd was excused. <br /> CAR/Application for Modernization: Mrs. Botsford explained that the housing authority <br /> was submitting two Condition Assessment Reports CARs , The first was to extend the <br /> parking lot at 7 Job's Fishing Road to accommodate resident and guest parking, as well <br /> as one more handicapped spot. The second was to replace appliances at the Homeyer <br /> Village, which seem to be failing at a rapid rate. After a short discussion, a motion was <br /> made by Mrs. hills and seconded by Ms. Fint n to accept the CAR application as <br /> presented. The action was adopted. <br /> IIRVP &AHP ACC approval. Mrs. Botsford presented the Board with Annual <br /> Contribution Contracts for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Mobile Program, <br /> Massachusetts Rental Voucher Project Based Program, and the Alternative Housing <br /> Voucher Program, effective September 1, 1998, A motion was made by Mrs. Mills <br /> and seconded by Ms. lounger to accept the II R VP Mobility and Project Based <br /> Annual contribution contracts as presented. The motion was adopted. A motion <br /> was rade by Ms. Younger and seconded by Mr. Peoples to accept the AHVP <br /> Annual Contribution Contracts as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> Ms. Mudd was thea excused, and Mr. Peoples tock over chairing the meeting. <br /> TREASU EWS REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative: These were presented to the Board for review, as well <br /> as the wriften treasurer's report. Mrs. Botsford reported that the accountant reported <br /> no extraordinary expenses and that the report reflects the second month of our fiscal <br /> year. <br /> 4tii <br />