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Accounts P ables. Payables totaling $3,344.42 were presented to the Board for <br /> review, approval and signatures. <br /> Fent Delinquencies. Mrs. Botsford reported that there were no rent delinquencies at <br /> the Horneyer Village complex. one of the 705 tenants was delinquent with part of her <br /> rent and Mrs. Botsford has gotten a promise from the resident to pay the small balance <br /> by Tuesday next week. A motion was made by Mrs. hills and seconded by Ms. <br /> Finton to accept p the secretary's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> PROGRAM AM UP ATE: <br /> Homeyer Village (667)0 Mrs.. Botsford reported that the volunteer assigned to us <br /> by the Department of Transitional Assistance has helped a great deal around the <br /> complex. she has washed, sanded and painted the white fencing on the front of <br /> the property, and currently she is working on painting the railings on the second <br /> floor. The shed has been delivered and all fuel-powered tools have been moved <br /> into it, freeing up space in the garage for storage of tables, chairs, supplies, and <br /> old office fife storage. Window washing vll be complete by the end of the wee k. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that the net preventative maintenance is the vacuuming <br /> of smoke detectors and bathroom fans in all units. The social event this past <br /> month was an afternoon tea which went well. The net event scheduled is a <br /> Tupperware presentation on October 12. Mrs. Botsford stated that her quarterly <br /> meeting with the residents will be on November g. At this meeting she gill be <br /> reviewing the regulation changes, maintenance concerns, and the parking <br /> situation. <br /> Old Barnstable ea� _. 5): Mrs. Botsford reported that the transitional unit has <br /> been vacated vthout notice and there are quite a fever repairs to be made. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 5 AHVP vouchers, 25 MRVP Mobile, 24 <br /> Project Based 'touchers, 18 Section 8 certificates: and 9 Section 8 Vouchers <br /> leased in Ma hpee. <br /> Hoeyer pillage Resident Association. lis. Burke reported that the quarterly <br /> meeting was held this fast Monday and Pauline Jeffries was the new vice-president to <br /> replace former resident carol F edmund. The Board thea recognized Mr. Gilman who <br /> expressed his desire for the housing authority to seek more funding from the State. Mr. <br /> Gilman offered to Delp in anyway he can. <br /> Old Business: <br /> Regulation Chan es V orksho : Mrs. Botsford reported that she is continuing to <br /> attend workshops put on by Attorney Pat Grace to review the regulation changes that <br />