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rt <br /> Mnutes of the Meeting <br /> Mashpee usin Authority <br /> Board of Cosi sioner <br /> November 12, 1998 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 5:35 p.m. and a quorum <br /> declared with the following members present: Garen A. Rudd, Made Younger, and <br /> Lorraine Flnton. E. Stuart Peoples and Constance Mills were excused. others in <br /> attendance included: Lelia Botsford, Executive Director, Mike Bailey from the Ilashpee <br /> Enterprise, Cheryl Bunce and Lois Barthel, Tenant Association representatives, and <br /> Richard Gilman, residents of Horney r Tillage. <br /> s cI ETAI IrS REPORT: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on October 8, 1998 were presented. Motion was <br /> made by Ms. Fenton and seconded by Ms. lounger to accept the minutes as <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S f EPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative: The Budget to Actual Deport which reflects the third <br /> month of the fiscal year was presented to the Board for review, as well as the written <br /> treasurer's report. Mrs. Botsford reported that the Fiscal Year 1999 budget has been <br /> approved by DHCD and the new budgeted amounts were reflected in the report. She <br /> also stated that the accountant reported no extraordinary expenses in this month. <br /> Accounts Py tiles; Payables tiles totaling $12,924-92 were presented to the Board for <br /> review,, approval and signatures. <br /> Rent Delia uencies: Mrs. Botsford reported that there were no rent delinquencies at <br /> either complex. A motion was rade by Ids. younger and seconded by Nis. Finton to <br /> accept the secretary's report as presented. The motion was adapted. <br /> PROGRAM UPDATE: <br /> HomeyerVillagg..(667):. Mrs. Botsford reported that the volunteer finished <br /> painting the railings on the second floor and with the cold weather here she will <br /> be wonting on inside projects for a while. Mrs. Botsford reported that the next <br /> preventative maintenance is the vacuuming of smoke detectors and bathroom <br /> fans in all units which is being done next we . The net social event is a Magic <br /> Show on November 27 at 12:30 Pel. Mrs. Botsford stated that her quarterly <br /> meeting with the residents on November 9 went well. At this meeting she <br /> reviewing the regulation changes, the parking situation, and the tenant <br /> association situation. Airs. Botsford explained that all officers of the Horneer <br />