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Village Resident Association have resigned their positions. Upon consulting <br /> with attorney Grace, Mrs. Botsford has allowed thirty days for new officers to be <br /> elected. If no officers are elected Mrs. Botsford will request that DHCD consider <br /> the association dissolved. At this time Mr. Gilman was recognized by the Board <br /> and requested an extension of time to elect officers. After a brie 'di cussi n it <br /> was decided to allow until January 15 for elections to take place. <br /> Did Barnstable road -.-Mrs. 13 otsford reported that the transitional unit Inas <br /> been repaired and a bill has been submitted to Dennis Housing Authority, per <br /> their request. The unit will be re-occupied tomorrow. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that vire have 4 AHVP voichers, 25 MRVP Mobile, 2 <br /> Project Based Vouchers, 17 Section 8 Certifiats, and 9 Section 8'Vouchers <br /> leased in llashpee. <br /> o eyer village Resident Association: AAs. Burke confirmed that at a special <br /> meeting-held on November 4, all officers resigned leaving all positions vacant for the <br /> Resident Association. Resignations nations were all due to personal and/or health issues. Ms. <br /> Judd thanked Ills. Burke and IIs. Barthel for all of their hard work and stated that it was <br /> a pleasure to work with therm. <br /> Cold Business: <br /> PHI IMections Contracting: Mrs. Botsford reported that the Section 8 inspections are <br /> quite backlogged. PHI charges $35.00 to do Section 8 inspections. Mrs. Botsford <br /> recommends contracting with PHI to do the backlogged inspections only and thea Mrs. <br /> Botsford will pick up from there. After a short discussion, a motion was made by lips. <br /> Fint n and seconded by Ms. Younger to contract with Pill to conduct back- <br /> logged <br /> a k- <br /> 1 gged section 8 inspections. The motion was adapted. <br /> NEW BUslssf <br /> Adoption of State Regulations 760 Cil Mrs.and 760 CMR 6.00: rs. Botsford <br /> ..r.. ..s= r•�. <br /> explained the major changes to the regulations and after a short discussion a motion <br /> was mace by Ms. Younger and seconded by s. Finton to adopt the State <br /> Regulations CMR 4.00 with regards to the General Administration of Dousing <br /> authorities. The motion was adopted. A motion was made by Mils. Fint n and <br /> seconded by ibis. Younger to adopt the state Regulations CMR 6.00 with regards <br /> to occupancy standards and Tenant Participation for state-Aided housing. The <br /> motion n eras adopted. <br /> Contract oasts for bottled water and tele Bone answering serge■ Mrs. Botsford stated <br /> that she has been reviewing the costs for some administrative services. She reported <br />