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5 <br /> I <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that a communication was received from Dass NAHRO advising <br /> us that we would be receiving a dividend check in the amount of$1,115.25 in regards <br /> to our workman's compensation insurance. A communication was received from <br /> FairMnds requesting a contribution to support their programs for people with mental <br /> illnesses. After a short discussion, it was decided to look into whether we could make <br /> such a donation and table the 'item until January's meeting. Ms. Rudd stated that she <br /> would be seeing Kevin Graham, State Auditor, soon and would get his opinion and <br /> pass it along to Mrs. Botsford. <br /> Ids. Budd then inquired of Mrs. Botsford if she had responded to the Leo Dauwer <br /> survey. Mrs. Botsford reported that she had responded to the original survey and was <br /> in the process of reviewing and responding to the results of the survey. Ms. Rudd <br /> stated that it was important to small housing authorities, as it could help implement <br /> bonus pay plan for executive directors, in addition to new salary guidelines. <br /> Ms. Younger then mentioned the January 27 Legislative Day in Boston and it was <br /> recommended that Mrs. Botsford attend. <br /> Mrs. Botsford and the commissioners then presented Ms. Rudd with a certificate of <br /> appreciation for her contributions to the Mashpee Housing Authority. <br /> Next meeting will be held Thursday, January 14, 1999 at :30 PM. <br /> motion eras made by Ms. Fint n and seconded by Mr. Peoples to adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 6.-15 p.m. <br /> spec submitted, <br /> x.- <br /> e i Ia Botif rd, Secret <br /> Executive Director <br />