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Update of Personnel Polio : Sections 1X B 2 and-l C were reviewed and <br /> discussed. A emotion was made by Ms. Younger and seconded by Ms. Finton t <br /> change the Personnel Policy so that employees are compensated at straight time <br /> for hours worked up t �r <br /> o hours per eek and compensated at time and a half for <br /> anything over 40 hours per week; also to change policy to read than Saturday <br /> holidays would be recognized on Fridays and Sunday holidays would be <br /> recognized on Mondays. The notion was adopted. <br /> Adoption of Amended Regulations 760 CMR 6.04 and .05: Mrs. Botsford explained <br /> that there were tw6 amendments to recently adopted regulations. One allows the <br /> housing authority to round up to the nearest dollar when calculating rent and another <br /> change allows residents who are 62 and over to earn up to $10 . 0 per week working <br /> without that income being included in their rental calculation. A motion was made by <br /> IVIS. Finton and seconded by Ms. Younger to adopt state Regulations 760 CMR <br /> 6.04 and 6.05 as amended. The motion was adopted. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: None <br /> COMMUI ICATIONS COR ESPONDENCE. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported two communications had been received. One was from <br /> Shawme Heights announcing that they have been awarded a grant to construct an <br /> elderly housing facility and thanking the housing authority for our letter of support . The <br /> second communication was from Mass NAHRO announcing registration for the Spring <br /> conference at New Seabury and requesting the housing authority to purchase an ad <br /> again for Its program book. A motion eras made by Ms. Younger and seconded b <br /> Ms. Finton to purchase a quarter page advertisement. The motion was adopted. <br /> Net meeting will be held Thursday, March 11, 1999 at :30 PM. <br /> A motion was made by Ms. Younger and seconded by Ms. Finton to adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. <br /> ctfu 4 ubmitted, <br /> B i l a Btf d# tecretw <br /> Ececuti lrector <br />