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Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 3 AHVP vouchers, 25 MRVP Mobile, 28 Project <br /> Based Vouchers, 18 Section 8 Certificates, and 9 Section 8 Vouchers leased in <br /> Mashpee. <br /> Hor Byer Village Resident Association: None <br /> Old Business: None <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Update to Grievance Procedure Polio : Mrs. Botsford explained that the new regulations <br /> change the grievance procedure. Mrs. Botsford developed the new policy using all of the <br /> requirements of the regulations and also integrated the "definitions' section of the old policy. <br /> After a short discussion about charging a fee for copying, a motion was-rade by Mrs. Mills <br /> and seconded by IVs. Finton to adopt the new Grievance Procedure Policy which <br /> includes a charge of ten cents for-copying. The motion was adopted. <br /> Contract Renewal of Executive Director: Mrs. Botsford stated that since drafting the agenda <br /> for the meeting, the housing authority received a letter from DHCD along with her employment <br /> contract, which was accepted. Mrs. Botsford read the letter and explained that DHCD made <br /> the contract effective forFebruary 17, 1.999 and therefore her contact would not be-up for <br /> renewal until net February, 2000. Mrs. Botsford requested that the hoard consider an <br /> employee benefit in lieu of the health insurance benefit she is not taking advantage of which is <br /> saving the housing authority approximately $5,501.890 per year. The benefit requested would = r <br /> be to approve employee reimbursement of dental, health or mental health expenses not being <br /> covered by her HMO. After much discussion it was recommended that more information be <br /> provided to the board on the subject. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: None <br /> co NICD TIONS co ESPOI DEI cE: <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that besides the correspondence regarding her contract renewal, the <br /> only other communication received was from DHCD advising the authority that the two CAIS <br /> we applied.for to extend parking lot and replace old appliances would not be funded.. <br /> Mrs. Botsford mentioned that the reservations for the NAHRO Spring Conference at the Sea <br /> Crest needed to be rade soon. Ms. `lounger stated that she wished to attend the Monday <br /> session, including lunch and dinner. Mrs. Botsford stated that other board members interested <br /> in attending may contact her before the nett meeting, so that their registration can be included <br /> in the check which will be generated for the net meeting. <br /> Mr. Peoples stated that he had a conflict for the nett meeting and requested that the meeting <br /> time be changed to 4:30 PM. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would be sure to notify Town Hall <br /> of the change in meeting time. <br />