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4/8/1999 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
4/8/1999 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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4/6/2018 5:09:00 PM
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4/6/2018 2:38:06 PM
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r <br /> for three hours but unfortunately no one showed up. she reported that a similar <br /> presentation was done at the housing authority later in the month and a couple care. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that DHCD carne down to complete the BOAST review. <br /> Unfortunately it was on the day that Mrs. Botsford was in an automobile accident so <br /> she was unable to be at the office while they were there. DHCD said they would <br /> contact the housing authority with any questions or concerns. <br /> Old Barnstable Road.. : Mrs. Botsford reported that she is getting proposals to fix <br /> theroblems with kitchen and bathroom formica corrin u . Mrs. Botsford reported <br /> p p <br /> that the housing authority has iron the eviction against the tenant who has several eats. <br /> The sheriff has seared notice and, to avoid moving and storage fees which could total <br /> between $2,000 and $3,000 the housing authority has allowed the tenant some extra <br /> time to move out. The tenant should be out by the 16 t" of the month. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 2 AHVP vouchers, 25 MRVP Mobile} 29 Project <br /> Based Vouchers, 18 section 8 Certificates, and 9 Section 8 Vouchers leased in <br /> Mashpee. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: None <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Adoption of new DHCD Lease: Mrs. Botsford explained that the new regulations change the <br /> lease and the new lease incorporates all the new regulations. Mrs. Botsford mentioned that, <br /> under the new lease, the housing authority has the option of providing a refrigerator or not. <br /> After a short discussion,, a emotion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by Ms. Fenton t <br /> i <br /> adopt the new DHCD lease for both 667 and 705 residents and to only supply <br /> -refrigerators to the 667 tenants. Refrigerators that have been supplied in the 705 units <br /> will-not be replaced once they are rendered inoperable. The motion was adopted. � <br /> Ado tion of new MF VP Income Limits- Mrs. Botsford presented and reviewed the newly <br /> released income limits from DHCD for the MRVP Program.. A motion was made by Ids. <br /> Firnt n and seconded by Mrs. Mills to adopt the new HC income limits for the <br /> Massachusetts Ental Voucher Program. The rutin was adopted. <br /> Review/Adoption of neva Section 8 Utility Allowances: Mrs. Botsford presented and reviewed a <br /> new Section 8 Utility Schedule. Falmouth and Barnstable Housing Authorities contracted with <br /> a specialist to research and develop a new schedule and they have shared the results with all <br /> Cape Cod housing authorities in the hopes that all authorities would use the same schedule. <br /> motion n eras made by Ms. Fint n and seconded by Mrs. Mills to adopt the new utility <br /> schedule for the section 8 Program. The emotion was adopted. <br /> Evaluation of Executive Director: After a short discussion it was decided that a sub-; rr mi tee <br /> would be formed to conduct a review and evaluation of the Executive Director and report the <br /> i <br />
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