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Mrs. Botsford reported that the only correspondence she had received was the letter from <br /> DHCD approving the close of the waiting list and the Budget Guidelines. <br /> Presentation by TAP Consultant Technical Assistance Mrs. Botsford introduced <br /> Laura Shufelt to the board as the TAP consultant and noted that Ms. Shufelt had presented <br /> them with a Witten report indicating her findings and recommendations to the housing <br /> authority. Ms. Shufelt proceeded to review the report with the Board,d, indicating that, <br /> although the development of family housing was not feasible, the development of another <br /> elderly handicapped development similar to the existing one and consisting of between 24 and <br /> o units, would be feasible. Ms. Shufelt remarked that Mrs. Botsford and she had located a <br /> good lot of lard, which has already been identified in the Town's Comprehensive plan as ideal <br /> for the development of affordable housing. The Board thanked Nis. Shufelt for her assistance <br /> and Ms. Shufelt remarked that she would remain available for questions. <br /> Next meeting will be held Thursday,August 12, 1999 at 5:30 PM. <br /> notion was made by Ms. Proton and seconded by Mr. peoples to adjourn. The motion <br /> carried* <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. <br /> Respect ly submitted, <br /> i <br /> 'la 9Nksfor , Secret* <br /> Executive D4. ector <br />