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4 <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she has finished up the waiting list update to purge the lists which <br /> resulting in the removal of approximately 100 names. A current update on the status of the <br /> waiting lists will be presented at next months meeting. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that the request to DHCD for permission to close the two bedroom <br /> waiting list has been granted effective July 1 . Notices have been sent to the newspapers and <br /> to all local social service agencies, <br /> The FY 2000 Budget Guidelines have been issued and the fee accountant will be meeting with <br /> Mrs. Botsford to draw up next gears budget for presentation at the next board meeting. <br /> ldar�n , ,.Road- Mrs. Botsford reported that the new presidents have roved into <br /> the vacant unit and all is going well. We had a contest for the children at the development to <br /> pick a name for the development i.e. this one is Home er Village). The Gap donated a <br /> gift certificate which went to the winner. The winning name is `Breezy Acres". Mrs. <br /> Botsford reported that i July and August, the housing authority t1 be�orcentratir on <br /> some much needed exterior work at the development, <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 2 AHVP vouchers, 24 MP Mobile, 29 Project used. <br /> Vouchers, 18 Section 8 Certificates, and 8 Section 8 Vouchers lea d in Ma hpee. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> None <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Presentation hv TAP Consultant ffechnical Assistance Pr a Ms.Younger announced <br /> that this item was tabled until the end of the meeting. <br /> Buftet Rre aration: Mrs. Botsford stated that with the budget guidelines in, she and the Fee <br /> Accountant would be meeting and preparing the proposed budget which will be presented at <br /> the next board meeting for approval. Mrs. Botsford stated that she mill meet with residents to <br /> get their input. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would like some input from the Board, as well. <br /> A short discussion ensued and it was agreed that the landscaping at the 705 development <br /> should be a priority. The replacement of broken refrigerators and/or stoves would need to be <br /> budgeted as well, cline to their age. A short discussion ensued regarding the fact that the town <br /> has not responded to the director's request for implementation of the tom's responsibility to <br /> remove snow from MBIA developments. It was decided that Mrs. Botsford should contact the <br /> Selectmen to get clarification on the town conducting snow removal this coming Winter. Mrs. <br /> Botsford stated that there is still the outstanding need to fund the Paring lot extension. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS. None <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: <br />