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i <br /> Il <br /> $3,,000 exemption DHCD has allowed. Mrs. Botsford reported that she will be holding <br /> her bi-monthly meeting with the residents next week. <br /> Old Barnstable Road (705): Mrs. Botsford reported that she conducted all annual <br /> inspections at Breezy Acres and that all the buildings were all power-washed. Mrs. <br /> Botsford reported that the housing authority has received, with no cost to the housing <br /> authority, three (3) brand-new refrigerators through the State of Massachusetts' Energy <br /> Program for Breezy Acres residents. Mrs. Botsford reported that all new countertops <br /> have been installed in all the kitchens. They came out very nice and over $1,400-00 <br /> UNDER budget. Mrs. Botsford reported that the landscaping improvements have <br /> resumed now that the good weather is here, Some fencing will be improved and some <br /> mulching will be done in some areas in the coming months. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that Town Meeting &elections were held, which she attended. <br /> Town Meeting lasted three nights, and the housing authority was successful in getting <br /> both the land from the town and the formation of an Affordable Housing Committee. <br /> Mrs..Botsford reported that she has received the Budget Guidelines from DHCD and will <br /> meet with the Fee Accountant before the next meeting so that we can prepare the <br /> budget for approval and submittal next month. , <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that the MRVP mobility waiting list was opened for all bedroom <br /> sizes from April 27 through May 1 and we had approximately 15 people apply. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she met with Barnstable Housing Authority one final time to <br /> complete the County-wide application for Section 8 Vouchers. The application was <br /> submitted April 21. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she went to the monthly meetings for SMEDA <br /> (Southeastern Mass. Executive Director's Association), SHADO (Small Housing Authority <br /> Directors Organization), CRAM (Cape Rental Assistance Managers), and CH00 (Cape <br /> Housing Officials Organization). SHADO continues to work together as a group to make <br /> sure everyone's management plan is in compliance with the DHCD requirements. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she has finished designing a computer database for the <br /> new Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and is now working on the Final <br /> touches of a new MRVP Waiting list database. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 3 AHVP vouchers, 20 MRVP Mobile, 27 Project <br /> Based Vouchers, 9Section 8 Certificates, 8 Section 8 Vouchers and 6 Housing Choice <br /> Vouchers leased in Mashpee. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Technical Assistance Program Update: Mrs. Botsford reported that she and Laura <br /> Shufelt met once more before the Town Meeting to prepare but had not been able to <br />