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M is ■■ <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she attended the meetings for the U (Upper Cape <br /> Domestic violence coalition), including the Mashpee candlelight Vigil,, SHAD (Small <br /> Housing Authority Directors Organization) cH (cape Housing Officials Organization), <br /> s E A {southeastern Mass. Executive Director's Association, Section 8 Administrators <br /> Association, and the Iashpee Human Services council. she also attended a meeting at <br /> the cape cod Commission regarding the h ashpee Commons ongoing development. <br /> She also attended a Pat Grace Legal seminar regarding filing Summary Process <br /> Summons and complaints. <br /> Mrs, Botsford reported that vire have 3 AHVP vouchers, 23 MRVP Mobile, 25 Project <br /> Based vouchers, 8 section 8 certificates, 5 section 11 Vouchers and 10 Housing choice <br /> Vouchers leased in Iashpee. Mrs. Botsford mentioned that the project based number <br /> is still below the minimum of 29. She has been in contact with Mashpee village about <br /> this problem, and within the net month or so the number should increase to the <br /> minimum. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Ashers Path/Route 28 Update: Mrs. Botsford stated that she had been successful in <br /> receiving another grant from Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund I HPF for <br /> technical assistance. MHPF hopes to use this project as a model for other housing <br /> authorities since it is unique in that the housing authority will maintain ownership of the <br /> land, lease the property to a developer to develop,, and then manage the property for a <br /> fee. <br /> Section 8 Issues: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the letter sent to Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> from Falmouth Housing Authority board of commissioners, A lengthy discussion ensued <br /> and it was decided to respond to thea in writing. Mrs. Botsford will draft a letter for <br /> their approval and signatures. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Mission statement Adoption, Mrs. Basford reviewed the proposed Mission Statement <br /> she drafted for the board. A notion was made by Ms. Williams and seconded by <br /> Ms. Thurston to adopt the Mission Statement as presented. The motion <br /> carried. <br /> Renewal of Fee Accountant Contract: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the Fee Accountant <br /> contract with the Board. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Ms. <br /> Thurston and seconded by FIs. Likins to extend the Fee Accountant's contract <br /> for a two-year period. The motion carried. <br /> Page 2 of <br />