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ve <br /> NEW USINEss. <br /> Annual l Report: Mrs, Botsford reviewed the drafted annual report with the board. After <br /> aM short discussion, a motion was made by res. Williams and seconded by Ms. <br /> Likins to adopt the year 2000 annual report and submit it to the town. The <br /> motion carried. <br /> Onening of_MRVP list: Mrs, Byrd reported to the board that there werevL3ry few <br /> applicants left on the mobile MRVP waiting list and that she recommends opening it and <br /> keeping it open until it gets long again. A motion was made by Mr. Peoples and <br /> seconded by Ms. Likins to open the MRVP mobile waiting list indefinitely* <br /> The motion carried. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: Ms. Fenton announced that she will not be at the April meeting. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Botsford reported that she had <br /> sent a letter to T1s. Fenton as site manager of Mashpee pillage with regards to providing <br /> the contracted amount of 38 units for the project based IRP. she stated that she <br /> and FIs. Fenton will be discussing how to resolve the situation. <br /> The next meeting will be Thursday,, March 8, 2001 at 5:30 PM- <br /> A <br /> motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Nis. Likens to adjourn. � <br /> The motion carried* The meeting was adjourned at 6.02 PX <br /> Rospetf submitted, <br /> L i a Botsfr , Sere <br /> ec tive Director <br /> Page 3 of <br />