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2/8/2001 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
2/8/2001 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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(MHSQ, UCDVC (Upper Cape Domestic Violence Coalition),, and the Town ofMashpee <br /> Affordable Housing Committee, in which I was voted in as chairperson. She is also on <br /> sub-committee through MHSC for organizing a legislature breakfast for Upper cape <br /> Human Service Providers and on the sub-committee again for this year's candlelight <br /> Vigil. Mrs. Botsford attended part one of a Pat Grace seminar regarding new forms <br /> DHCD is implementing. The second part of the seminar will be next month. Mrs. <br /> Botsford reported that the truck has been ordered and should be delivered by the end <br /> of Larch. Mrs. Botsford reported that all recertifications for both developments have <br /> been dome and that annual inspections will be scheduled for some gine in March. Mrs. <br /> Botsford has submitted quarterly reports to DHCD and all i g s and W-2s have been <br /> processed and mailed. <br /> Mrs. Botsford pointed out that the housing authority has gotten some good press <br /> recently in the Mash pee 'Enterprise. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 3 AFP vouchers,, 23 MVP Mobile,, 30 Project <br /> Based Vouchers, 7 section 8 certificates, 4 section 8 Vouchers and 17 dousing choice <br /> Vouchers leased in M ash pee. Mrs. Basford stated that the number of Section 8s are <br /> starting to grog as the neer section 8 Fair share Vouchers start leasing up. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Ashers Path/route Update: Mrs. Botsford stated that she has been playing ."phone <br /> tag,"'with Ms. Farrell and Ms. Houston of the M PF but Inas been unable to get a recent <br /> update on the FFP draft, she stated that she knows they are working on it. Mrs* <br /> Botsford stated that she has received a phone call from a local developer who is grilling <br /> to serge on the committee to review the RFPs and_that Tori Joy, Fee Accountant, would <br /> be willing to serve as well. <br /> Protocol for meeting with the Board. Ms. Fenton distributed a proposed procedure to be <br /> followed by people who wish to address the board. The board reviewed the procedure, <br /> and a motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. Likens to adopt <br /> the Board Appearance Policy as submitted, The motion carried. <br /> ChecWSki natures: Ms. Finton explained that this item was on the agenda to address <br /> the possibility of getting a signature stamp for the housing authority. A short <br /> discussion ensued and a motion was made by Ms. Williams and seconded by Ms. <br /> Lebens to give the director Permission to purchase a signature stamp for the <br /> housing authority to use for check signing. The motion carried. <br /> Affordable Housing Committer Mrs. Botsford informed the board that she was elected <br /> chairperson for the Town of Mashpee Affordable Dousing Committee meeting, she <br /> explained that at the last meeting the committee reviewed plans for five Habitat for <br /> Humanity homes that will be built to Ma tepee and the board is working on setting goals <br /> and coring up with a definition for "affordable housing". <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> i <br />
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