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6/14/2001 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
6/14/2001 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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Minutes of the Meeting <br /> MASHPEE HOUSINGAUTHORITY T f�S'-NDEE <br /> ard of CommissionersT!0)V��' CL E R K <br /> June 14, 2001 0 1 VILIL 20 PN 3* 45 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:43 p. . and a quorum <br /> declared with the following members present: Mary Likins, Lord Finton, and Laverne <br /> Williams. Also in attendance was Leila Botsford, Executive director, Thomas 3. Joy, Jr., <br /> Fee Accountant, and Carla Roy, <br /> Ms. Finton introduced Carla Roy who'won a write-in campaign for a position on the <br /> board. Since Ms. Roy is a recipient of rental income from the lahpee Housing <br /> Authority under the section 8 program, Ids. Roy must obtain written permission from <br /> the state Ethics Commission before she can participate in a meeting. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on May 10,, 2001 were presented. Motion was <br /> made by Ms. Likins and seconded by Ms. Williams to accept the minutes as <br /> presented, The motion was adopted. <br /> Ms, Finton then recognized Mr. Joy and stated that we would handle the Budget <br /> Approval before the rest of the agenda items so that he could be excused. <br /> Fiscal )Lear 2002 Budget Approval: Mr. Joy addressed the board by explaining the <br /> changes in the state budgetprocess, I r. o y e� lamed that all bud ets must now be <br /> p <br /> submitted electronically via the Internet, He went on to explain that DHCD has set up <br /> training for all housing authorities which they rust attend to learn the process and to <br /> get their i.d,s and passwords in order to do the submission,, l ashpee"s training is set to <br /> take place on Friday, June 22 which is the sane day that the budget is due. Due to the <br /> timing conflict a waiver will be submitted by Mrs. Botsford to west an extension for <br /> submission. <br /> Mr. Joy gent on to explain that the state has again allowed a o increase to salaries; <br /> an extra $125.00 per unit for common area improvements; and $3,,600,,00 for capital <br /> improvement, lir* Jour.stated that he and Mrs, Botsford have been in contact with <br /> DHCD regarding money for carpet replacement but so far have not heard whether or <br /> not we would be eligible for this money. <br /> Mr, Joy went on to explain the 4001 budget submittal line by line, including salary <br /> prorations. He explained that the authority will be asking for an exception for truck <br /> insurance since this is the fiat year we have had a vehicle and we've never had the <br /> expense of vehicle insurance. Mr. Joy also reviewed the 1 Rvp budget and explained <br /> that the $14,223.00 on line 24 is money in reserve which could be used for office <br /> equipment, legal expense, etc. <br /> A short question and answer period tools place and then a motion was made by Ms. <br /> Likins and seconded by Ms. Williams to approve the 4001 budget as <br /> Page 1 of <br />
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