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Brei Acr : Mrs. Botsford reported that one resident reported an attempted <br /> break in. The maintenance nen has changed the locks and made repairs to the door. <br /> enclosure. <br /> Misc.: Mrs. Botsford reported that she attended meetings for the SHADO (Small <br /> l <br /> Housing Authority Directors Organization),, the Mashpee Human Services Council <br /> (MHSC), the UCDVC (Upper cape Domestic violence Coalition), Candlelight Vigil sub- <br /> Committee, CCNSC (cape cod Neighborhood support Coalition), and SMEDA (southern <br /> Massachusetts Executive Directors Association)# she was unable to attend the CHOO <br /> (Cape dousing Officials Organization) mand the Affordable Housing Committee <br /> meeting this past month, she will be attending the NAH o fall conference on <br /> November ber , 5f & 6. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 2 AHVP vouchers, 23 MRVP Mobile, 37 Project <br /> Based vouchers, and 29 Housing choice vouchers leased in Mashpee. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> A or able Housing Committee: Mrs. Botsford stated that she was unable to be at the <br /> last meeting, but spoke to Richard Terry before the meeting about doing ar presentation <br /> to the committee regarding his meeting with Bob Murray. Ms, Williams spoke a little <br /> about what Mr. Terry had to report, <br /> Asher"s Path Update: Mrs* Botsford reported that she spoke with the acting Torn <br /> Administrator who told her that the deed/title to the property at Asher's Path and Route <br /> 28 ill be transferred to the housing authority at the Selectmen"s meeting on October <br /> 1 . It is on the agenda, !Until that is done, we will be unable to proceed with the RFP. <br /> ESV BUSINESS: <br /> Mashpee Afford able Housing Trust fKA.H.TJ Meeting & policv setting.: Mrs, Botsford <br /> stated that the Mashpee Affordable Housing Trust creeds to meet in order to establish <br /> project guidelines which will enable them to file for tax exemption ption status+ It was <br /> decided to have a meeting of the M.A.H.T. immediately following the Mashpee Housing <br /> Authority board meeting. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she did have a couple items of other business to present. <br /> The neer Section 8 Fair Market stents FMls have been published. Mrs. Botsford <br /> explained that the housing authority is allowed to adopt section 8 Voucher Pziyment <br /> Standards up to 110 of the fair market rents. She distributed a copy of the new <br /> FMRs and a chart showing the current rents, the neer FMRs and what the payment <br /> standards would be if we adopted then at 110%. A motion was made by Mir. <br /> Peoples and seconded by Ms. Likins to adopt Section 8 Voucher payment <br /> standards at 11 f the new Farr Market Rents effective November 1. <br /> 1■ <br /> Mrs, Botsford reported that the auditors have finished the audit and thea were no <br /> findings. Additionally, all the findings from the audit done before Mrs. Botsford was <br /> employed have been satisfactorily addressed. A report will be forthcoming. <br /> Page 2of <br />