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an inspection, etc,). t explained to her that if she did not want to speak with Flo, and/or wanted <br /> 4 <br /> a meeting with me,, she could have requested so and I would have been sure to get back to <br /> her. She persisted in wanting to know my specific schedule and I reiterated that my schedule <br /> varies, depending on meetings, inspectirons, and other job responsibilities. She continued to <br /> complain about""never being able to rich"me and claimed that she never got a returned calf, <br /> other than from Flo. I again explained to her that Flo is the appropriate person to talk to when <br /> trying to do a lease-up. She was sdlI not happy with my answers and wanted to aper before <br /> the board. I explained that her complaints surround administrative procedure and it would be <br /> inappropriate meet with the board at this time. I scheduled a ming with her to further <br /> discuss her issues and provided her with a copy of the hoard Appearance Policy. <br /> OLDBUSINESS: None <br /> NEW BUSING: <br /> ATe <br /> .qMM0ft Contra w l of Mrs. Botsford sued that she suggests <br /> renewing Mr, Joyfs co ct for another period of two 2 years. The contract presented for the <br /> board approval is identical to the last one they entered into. After a short discussion,,a motion <br /> was made by Mri, Peoples and seconded by Ms. Finton to end the Fee <br /> Amuntanfs contract as presented,fb r a two year period.. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> n r hedVjeftv Mrs, Botsford revnewed the HUD <br /> Section 8 Fair Mares Feat schedule with the mrd and suggested that the board adopt a new <br /> voucher at 1101% of the Fair Market Reals, as allowed by HUD, Ater a short discussion,, a <br /> motive was made by Mr,, Perles and seconded by FIs. !nton to adopt a new mon <br /> Voucher Payment staedard s hedule at 0% of the Fair Market Rents fbr the <br /> ashpoe area. The motion was adopted,. <br /> ugVAOpmot ns r Old Lamgablg Rod: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the development options <br /> for the Old Barnstable Road property, as outlined in the memorandum dated September 9, <br /> 2002 from Chadeen Regan and John Stainton. The board discussed the options,and a mobion <br /> was made by Ms. F1nton and Bonded by Mr. Peoples to prroPqeed vdth the <br /> development of the ons 705/Old Sam le Road propel as Mashpee Housing <br /> othor y as the developer and to look into the use of modularconstmcfion the <br /> units. The motion was adopted. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: None <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: None <br /> The nem meeting will be Thursday, December 12,. 2002 at : o PM. <br /> notion was made by Mr. Peoples and seoon ed by Ms. Finon to ad, ouma The <br /> motion cared,. The ming was adjourned at 5.58 RM. <br /> F espectFully submitted, <br /> Page 2 of <br />