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OLD BUSINESS: <br /> hers Path ProFect: Mrs. Botsford reported that she and John Juhl met with the Planning <br /> Board to do a presentation on the project and receive their support fr the application. The <br /> board voted unanimously to support the project and they will be forwarding a letter. Mrs. <br /> Botsford also reported that she will be holding a presentation, with John Jul, at the housing <br /> authority on the evening of April 24. We are requesting the town's officials for the fire,, police, <br /> and highway departments to attend so that any questions they have can be answered, as we <br /> will be requesting letters of support from all of them. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Ado ion of ne�-MRVP Income limits: Mrs. Botsford, having provided the board with a <br /> copy of the revised MRVP Income Limits, asked if there were any questions. There being none, <br /> a motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. Finton to approve and <br /> adopt the revised MRVP Income Limits effective April 1, 2003,for all household <br /> sizes,. The motion was adopted. <br /> OTHER BUSIENEssw done <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: None <br /> The next meeting will be Thursday, May 8,, 2003 at 5:30 PIS, fbilowed by a meeting of the <br /> Ilashpee Affordable Housing Trust. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. Frnton to adjourn. The <br /> notion carried, The meeting was adjourned at 5:47 P.M. <br /> pe <br /> 11 sbrn ior <br /> , <br /> I a BotsfoAfSecretaW <br /> Executive Director <br /> A chm nt A: <br /> Executive Director's Deport <br /> For the month of parch 2003 <br /> Program update: <br /> Horneyer.V„i„11@g§L667: 0% occupancy. Rents were all paid in full. This past month we <br /> had Bingo, as usual. I did all inspections. One resident has given notice to move by end of <br /> April. She lives on floor and is having more and more trouble dealing with stairs, so she is <br /> moving to a new development in Sandwich that has an elevator. We don't expect to have to do <br /> a lot to the unit when she moves, although she is a smoker so we will need to wash and paint <br /> .malls, and wash carpets. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />