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Budget guidelines have not yet come out for fiscal year 2004 budgets, bort it is expected <br /> that there may be more cutbacks. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Ashees Path Prosect: Mrs.. Botsford announced that the HUD 202application was due on <br /> Friday, June 13,, 2003 and that Mr. Jurhl was present to discuss a minor change and the <br /> execution of the land lease. Mr. Juhl explained that he wishes to adjust the unit number from <br /> 56-50 and explained the benefit in this making our application more competitive. He also <br /> reviewed the proposed lease between the housing authority and TCB for the development of <br /> elderly housing under the HUD 202 program. After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. <br /> Homeyer and seconded by Mr, Peoples to approve the adjustment In development <br /> size from 56 units to 50 units. The motion was adopted. Ms. Fenton els tained from <br /> the vote. After another discussion regarding the lease, a motion was made by Mr. <br /> Peoples and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to approve Mrs. Botsford to execute the lease <br /> on behalf of the Mashpee Housing Authority for a term of 80 years,for a fee of <br /> $275,,000.00due upon initial closing with HUD. The motion was adopted. Ms. <br /> Finton abstained from the vote. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: Ione <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: her. Homeyer asked if anyone wanted to discuss his recent absences and <br /> the letter that was sent to hire. Mr. Harsch stated that it would be helpful if he would call when <br /> he cannot attend. Ir. Peoples explained the difficulty in not knowing when someone will be <br /> absent, as it may affect the quorum. Mr. Har ch stated that he also wanted to be sure that Mr. <br /> Homeyer was still interested in served. <br /> Mr-. Homeyer thea stated that he has spoken to some of the Homeyer village residents who <br /> have concerns regarding laundry usage. He also sued that he has heard from someone about <br /> an applicant who cairns that he has gotten housing through us in five days. Mrs. Botsford <br /> responded to Ir. Homeyer that these are management issues that she has been hired t <br /> handle and that board members should not be involved in. Mr. Peoples stag that the first <br /> chain in events for all tenant applicant issues should be for the issue to be brought to <br /> management. If, after following the chain of command in management the tenant applicant is <br /> not satisfied, then there is a procedure for then to follow for grievances. Mr. Horneeer <br /> questioned why a tenant would be afraid to bring the issue to the attention of management. <br /> Mrs. Botsford explained that many issues are between tenants and are not the housing <br /> authority's responsibility as landlord to get involved in. Mrs. Botsford reminded the board that <br /> she meets regularly with residents to discuss any issues or concerns they have. She also <br /> addresses all complaints to the best of her ability, even if the complaint is submitted <br /> anonymously. lysing the laundry facilities as an example,, Mrs. Botsford explained that there <br /> are constantly disputes between tenants about who is using the machines and when. This <br /> issue does not involve a lease v4olation, and is not something the housing authority should be <br /> addressing as such. Even though it is not necessarily her role, Mrs. Botsford stated that she <br /> does try to mediate with tenants at times, but most of their issues meed to be worked out <br /> between themselves. Regarding the applicant who claims to have gotten housing in five days, <br /> Mrs. Botsford explained the whole application and leasing process and that it is impossible to <br /> get housing in five days. <br /> Mr. Homeyer then asked what exactly the board's role is. Mr. Peoples explained that the board <br /> is responsible for setting policy and hiring and firing the Executive Dire=r. <br /> Page 2 of <br />