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i <br /> mtov%ovctes of tke MeCU'vL'o <br /> MAS 5 E KS I N 61 A L�LTR.f TY <br /> 1�>001Y-01 Of a0K&KALESS 4 LOKtrS <br /> Lt2 -S <br /> W5 MEE7YNG WA, A UDrO TA PED FOR TS E P R P 05E of TRA N5CRIP7YON ODIC <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:40 p.m. and a quorum declared with <br /> the following members present: David Harsch, E. Stuart Peoples, and Richard Halpern. [fan <br /> Homeyer and LaVerne Williams were absent. Also in attendance was Leila Botsford, Executive <br /> Director. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on ,dune 1 , 2003 were presented. A motion was made <br /> i <br /> by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the minutes as presented. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative:tive: hers. Botsford provided a treasurer's report with regards to the <br /> bank accounts and the Budget to Actual Report,, prepared by the fee-accountant, which <br /> represented the twelfth and final month of the fiscal year. Mrs. Bc sf rd reviewed her. Joy's <br /> report and a written Bank Account Status report was provided to the board. <br /> Accounts Payables: Payables totaling $5,199.24 were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for his signature. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford sued that all rents are paid in full at Horrreyer Village. One <br /> resident at Breezy Acres has not paid her vent and, after being late for several months, a notice <br /> to quit has been seat, with a copy to attorney Rick Bennett. <br /> notion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the <br /> treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her reports to the board for the month of,dune. It <br /> is attached to these minutes as Attach rn ent A. <br /> Mrs. Botsford added the fallowing report, which was briefly discussed: <br /> • DHCD has not yet been released as budget guidelines. Flo's position will not be filled <br /> until and unless we can afford t ----depending on what the guidelines allow. Per <br /> recent news stories, it is also expected that there will be new guidelines for board <br /> members with regards to receiving specific reporting and signing-off on financial <br /> statements. Again, these guidelines have not yet been seat to us. <br /> • I have sent a memo to all clients explaining the change in staffing at our office and <br /> encouraging people to call ahead for an appointment if at all possible. This notice has <br /> also been posted on the front door(copy enclosed for you). <br /> I have contacted Elder Services and they are reviewing the job description in the hopes <br /> of finding us a Senior Aide. <br /> Page 1 of <br />