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{ development of a duple , donated by Stuart Bornstein. Mrs, Botsford is still working on getting <br /> that proving. Two other possibilities for expansion would be to expand the current 667 <br /> 5 <br /> development. It is unclear as to whether or not this could be done, as DHCD has control of the <br /> property and there doesn't seem to be any development monies from the state. we could also <br /> apply for section B vouchers the net time there is a NOFA (Notice of Funds Available) issued <br /> from HUD. <br /> COMM U NICATIOS F ESPoI icE: After a short discussion, the board instructed <br /> Mrs. Botsford to send another letter to Ms. Williams to request her resignation from the board, <br /> as it appears she will not be able to attend meetings. <br /> The next meeting will be Thursday, f ovember13, 2003 at :30 PM. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Halpern to adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P. .1 <br /> Res ectf submitted, <br /> gs7t <br /> Botsfo�i( <br /> , ecretary <br /> cuti recto r <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Director's Deport <br /> For the month of September 2003 <br /> Pramupdate: <br /> Flor Byer Village/667; 00% occupancy and all rents paid in full. This past month we had <br /> Bingo, as usual and also a tea party. <br /> _A_csL7QS: loon occupancy and all rents paid in full. The carpeting was replaced <br /> and many repairs done to the vacant unit. The new tenants have moved in. <br /> Meetings attended: <br /> This month I attended the following meetings: the S I A (southeastern.Mass.. Executive <br /> Director's Association) board meeting and -regular meeting; SHA (Small Housing Authority ,. <br /> -Directory Organization): I ashpee cAo (council n Aging);. hem_l� c (Upper cape Domestic <br /> Violence coalition), and two sub-committee meetings for the Peace Aware/candlelight Vigil. <br /> M1S : <br /> I met again, and continue to work closely with, Larry Johnson —the new site manager <br /> for mash pee Village. <br /> Budget Guidelines were released and I've been working with the fee accountant to <br /> prepare the Fiscal Year 20G4 budget. Copies of the highlights for this gear's guidelines <br /> are enclosed for your review, We will need to vote on the budget submission at our <br /> nest meeting. <br /> AHVP Vouchers: We have 1 AHVP vouchers, <br /> [+I VP Vouchers (Mobile): currently we have 17 voucher holders in Mashpee, <br /> MRVIP Project used Vouchers: We currently have 35 PB Vouchers leased. <br /> Section . We currently have 31 Housing choke Vouchers leased in Ma hpee. <br /> I <br /> Paige 3 of <br />