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k <br /> receive the deed and clear title and, most importantly, to draw up a development <br /> contract with Mr. Bornstein for the development of the duple . I have forwarded plans <br /> to the attorney and arra working on getting together specifications for the units. Mr. <br /> Bornstein has been notified that we hope to move forward soon, and that Attorney <br /> oppenheirn is representing us. DOTE: Originally we had contracted with Laura shufelt. <br /> When things didn't rove along as quickly as we'd hoped, the Cape Cod Commission <br /> agreed to extend the grant, but T1s. Shufelt was unresponsive when I contacted her t <br /> sign and extension on her contract. Consequently, Attorney Oppenheim was <br /> recommended to rine by Paul Ruchinskas of the Cape Cod Commission and he agreed to <br /> do the work. <br /> A copy of the Goals &objective for 200 0- 2005 was distributed and reviewed by Mrs. <br /> Botsford, since most members were not on the board when they were developed. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: None <br /> NEW BUSINESS: None <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: A brief discussion was had about taping a past Breezy Acres resident to <br /> court for outstanding rent as well as damages. A motion was made by Mr. Horme er and <br /> seconded by Mr, Halpern to have the Executive DimcWr pursue the amounts owed <br /> through small claims court. The notion was adopted. Mr. Halpern brought up his <br /> concern that one of the staff members may be an illegal alien. A discussion ensued in which <br /> it's was stated that Mrs. Botsford was in charge of all staff—related matters, and it was not <br /> appropriate for the board to become involved in this. Mrs. Botsford assured the board that she <br /> would be sure that we have all appropriate documentation that the employee is in fact <br /> employed here legally. <br /> COMM UNICATI HS RRESP DENCE: After a short discussion, the hoard instructed <br /> Mrs. Botsford to send contact to Ms. Williams by phone to see if she will be tending her <br /> resignation from the board or if she will start attending meetings again. Mrs, Botsford <br /> presented the letter she has drafted from the board to DHCD, as requested, with regards to our <br /> concern over our reserve. The chairperson signed it and Mrs. Botsford will mail it. <br /> The next t meeti ng will be Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 5:30 PM- <br /> A <br /> motion was rade by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ir. Hoeer to adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 P.I . <br /> Re i <br /> I ubm' d, <br /> Lei Botsfor , secret <br /> cutive Director <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Director's Report <br /> For the month of October 2003 <br /> Pyran update: <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> 4 <br />