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,.3 <br /> We received a nonce from DHCD that MRVP subsidy payments are bung delayed due to <br /> the fiscal shortfall, Landlords have been paid and money transferred from our savings <br /> account to cover them. <br /> OLDBUSINESS: lone <br /> NEW BUSINESS: !None <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Town Aff=ordable Housing ommi a U1 date: FIs. Battles gave the board a brief update which <br /> included information on a survey the AHC has received funding to conduct. Ms. Battles also <br /> reported on success of the public housing forum on affordable housing which was held on June <br /> 29 and the fact that Rick Presbr y and Debbie Converse from Housing Assistance Corporation <br /> did a presentation at the AHC earlier in the week to discuss what they have been doing. ; <br /> discussion ensued about the possibility of having a joint meeting with all people interesting in <br /> the challenge of affordable housing, similar to the housing summit held approximately 5 gears <br /> ago. <br /> Mashpee.Affordable Housing Trust date: Mrs. Botsford provided the following updates* <br /> Proposed contract is still with Stuart Bornstein's attorney, we are waiting to hear from <br /> his attorney. <br /> • I have met with Tori Quinn who is the development manager for Mr, Bornstein, There <br /> is a lot that needs to be done and decided before construction can start. Ernie Virgilio <br /> has volunteered to be the Clerk of the works for the project, but there is a lot that <br /> needs to be done. <br /> Some members of the I AHT have not yet returned their HUD forms with signature. <br /> Irs. Botsford said she will contact them again, as these forms are necessary in order to <br /> submit the application for HUD 202 funding for the Asher's Path Senior Housing. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> • We have received a couple more letters from other housing authorities that we <br /> administer Section 8 Vouchers with regarding them lowering their administrative fee, for <br /> a total of seven. I have discussed this with the fee accountant and we may need to <br /> reduce some staff hours and pay in order to accommodate the cutbacks. we will need <br /> to consider this when doing our budget for fiscal year 2005. <br /> A communication was received from the town accepting Mrs. Botsford-'s resignation from <br /> the Barnstable County HOME :onsortium"s Advisory Board and thanking her for her <br /> service. <br /> The next meeting will be Thursday, September 9, 2004 at : o Ply. It was mentioned that if <br /> the budget guidelines core out in late July, the board might want to have a meeting in August <br /> and tale the month of September off instead. Mrs. Botsford will keep thein apprised of when <br /> guidelines are issued. <br /> A motion was made by Ms. Battles and seconded. by Mr. Harsh to send ars <br /> arrangement to Mr. Homeyer expressing the boards wishes for a spay recovery. <br /> The motion carried. <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />