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1 arra attending the MassNAHRO Fall conference in Natick Sunday through Tuesday of <br /> next wl . <br /> I have accepted a part-time job with the Bourne Housing Authority. They are letting rye <br /> tele-commute for some of my hours, so it will not affect my time too much hero in <br /> f ashp o. I will need to make some adjustments to office hours, and intend on sending <br /> notices out to all clients, landlords, and applicants to advise them of the changes, as <br /> soon as has been decided upon, <br /> OLD BUSINESS. None <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Fee Acc untant contract renewal. Mrs. Botsford discussed Mr. Joy*s contract renewal with the <br /> board and recommended renewal for a two-year period. A motion was rade by Mr. <br /> Peoples and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to approve renewal of the fee accountant's <br /> contract for a period of two years. Themotion was adopted. <br /> TCB contract Review: Mrs. Botsford,-having provided the board with a copy of the Voucher <br /> Payment Contract we have with TCB l lashp o Village, reviewed the contract obligations with <br /> the board. Mrs. Botsford reported that TCB Mashpee Village has not yet signed the renewal of <br /> the contract which was to be renewed October 1, 2004. She stated that she has had <br /> conversations with DHCD and MHFA with regards to the recent goings on at Mashp o Village,, <br /> as well as their not signing the contract. DHEA has verified that they are obligated to provide <br /> these units and will assist us in getting TCB Mashpee tillage to cooperate. Dental payments for <br /> those units are being withheld until the contract is signed. Mrs. Botsford told the board that <br /> she has a telephone conference tomorrow with two"upper-management"people at The <br /> Community Builders and hopefully this can get resolved. <br /> Ashers Path Project: Mrs. Botsford asked the board what their wishes were for the Asis Pat <br /> project, having been denied twig for a HUD 202 grant. After a short discussion, a motion <br /> was made by Mr. Homeyer and seconded by Mr. Peoples to issue another Request <br /> for Proposals for the project and to send a letter to TCB Mashpee Village to advise. <br /> thein that this is what vire are doing. The motion was adopted. <br /> Discussion on Buu getSta i hang : Mrs. Botsford stated that, although she realizes she <br /> has the authority to rake any administrative changes, she is looping for some input and <br /> opinion from the board with regards to changes that will need to be made for staffing and <br /> office hours once budget cuts are made. A short discussion ensued and Mrs, Botsford thanked <br /> i the board for their input, <br /> Leo Do err Board Retreat: Mrs. Botsford mentioned to the board that she has been in contact <br /> with Mr. Leo Dower regarding the possibility of a ' day board retreat, which would include <br /> some board training about board member responsibility and also training on how to move our <br /> non-profit forward. The suggestion was well received and after a short discussion a motion <br /> was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to hire +1r. Leo Dower for <br /> $500.00 for board retreat and training. The motion was adopted. It was decided that <br /> we would try to greeting on a Monday from 4-8 PM sometime,in January or February 2005 and <br /> that we would tri to find a meeting space where we could be served dinner. Mrs, Botsford will <br /> tale care of making arrangements for this. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Page 2 of <br /> i <br />