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EXECUTIVE E DIRECT RS REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked ed that she had mailed her report to the board for the month of March and <br /> It is attached to these minutes as A to hment lel. <br /> Mrs. Botsford added the following report, which was briefly discussed: <br /> A Breezy Acres resident has moved out and transferred to a to-bedroom unit at <br /> Mashp o Village. When I did a move out inspection of the property, the rugs (which <br /> were new when she moved d in less than 4 years ago) were filthy in the living room and <br /> one bedroom. It is going to take at least the month to get the unit in good enough <br /> condition to rent. <br /> 0 D HCD conducted their annual "spot inspections"— 3 here at Hor eyer ViIIage and 1 at <br /> Breezy Acres, There were a couple items that needed immediate attention and Bob is <br /> working on then. All in all, the inspections went well. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> As er"s Path IFP date: Mrs. Botsford updated the board she and ]on JUN would be meeting <br /> with Alice Lopez in June to discuss hoer we can bettor work together with the 1I am anoags, as <br /> we need more collaboration and support from there for this project. Mr. Peoples had suggested <br /> Carol Lopez (Alice Lope 's mother) might be willing to serve on the non-profit board MAHT . <br /> Mrs. Botsford has contacted Alice Lopez to see what she thought. Alice will check with Carol <br /> and get back to us, <br /> NEW BUSINESS. <br /> Executive Director--vacation time: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the letter she had sent to the chair <br /> and copied to board members. The personnel policy stated that the executive director couldn't <br /> have more than 4 weeks vacations accumulated without the board approval. Mrs. Botsford <br /> currently has more than 6 weeks accumulated, and time accumulates on a monthly basis. After <br /> a discussion with Mrs. Botsford, a motion was made by lir. Hor ever and seconded b <br /> Mr. Halpern to issue 2 weeks in vacation pay to Mrs, Botsford to reduce 2 weeks of <br /> the accrued vacation time. Additionally, Mrs. Botsford will take a couple weeks <br /> vacation this summer and not allow the accrual to over 4 weeks in the future., The <br /> motion was adopted. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: - ---- ---� -- - -----�. _.._� ---- <br /> Town Affordable Housinci Committee Update:. Ms. Battles being absent, there was novo. <br /> Mashpee Affordable Housing Trust date; None, as all members present just attended a MAHT <br /> meeting. <br /> Meeting time: After a discussion about the meeting times of the non-profit as well as the <br /> housing authority, a motion was made by Mr. Halpern and seconded by r. Horrreyer <br /> to change the time of the housing authority meetings to 5:00 PM from now on. 'The <br /> motion was adopted. <br /> COMM U NI ATI C RES I EI CE: Mrs, Bird reported that she received call <br /> from Jessica Wingate for Habitat for Humanity. They are having a dedication ceremony on <br /> Saturday, June 4 for their Mashpee project on Asher's Path. They have requested someone <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />