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OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Asher's Path Update: Mrs. Botsford reported to the board that she had spoken to Alice Lopez. <br /> She had been unable to present the Asher's Path plan to the wampanoag Tribal council at the <br /> last meeting, but hopes to in August. Mrs. Botsford will keep the board informed. <br /> Br eZy AcresIModular Hone Project; *discussed earlier in E.D. Report* <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Barnstable HousiogLAuthorirsection 8 voucher Proposal: Mrs. Botsford reported that she had <br /> had a discussion with Barnstable Housing Authority regarding the Section 8 vouchers we are <br /> administering on their behalf here in Mashpee. HUD requires reporting over the computer by <br /> housing authorities. This software is not available to us and therefore Barnstable will have to <br /> do_the reporting. Father than withdraw the vouchers from our administration, Barnstable <br /> Housing Authority is proposing a-returned fee of $100 per month to accommodate them for <br /> having to do this reporting. A motion was rade by Mr. Halpern and seconded by Mr, <br /> Home er to accept their proposal and pay $100 per month back to Barnstable <br /> Housing Authority. The motion was adopted. <br /> Executive Director Evaluation: firs; Botsford provided board members with a copy of her last <br /> evaluation, which was done in January of 20024 Bland evaluation forms — a combination of the <br /> last format used and a Leo Dower suggested format— were distributed. The evaluation was <br /> tabled to net meeting. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Town Affordable Housing Committee Update: Ms. Battles expressed her concern about whether <br /> or not she is still a member of the town"s committee and would like to seek clarification as to <br /> whether or not she is still the liaison. Mrs. Botsford offered to sent a letter. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: firs. Botsford reported that she received <br /> notification from the Criminal History Systems Board that the legislature has enacted new <br /> requirements. This will require the board to adopt a new policy, which I am working on based <br /> on a model that CHSB has provided. <br /> The net meeting will be Thursday, September 8, 2005 at :00 PM. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Nor. Hor ever-to adjourn. The <br /> notion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. <br /> Res submi ed, <br /> { <br /> f. <br /> Leil Botsford secreta <br /> E cuti a Dir ct r <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Di rector's Report <br /> Page <br />