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5/11/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
5/11/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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.rte- x <br /> EVIG BUSINESS: <br /> Air Conditioner Poli r income Limits: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the drafted Air Conditioner Policy with the <br /> board. She stated that the Small Housing Authority Director's Organization, of which she is Vice- <br /> President, is in the process of reviewing and updating several policies. The air conditioner policy is one <br /> that we do not currently have, but should be adopted to avoid any possible future problems. There was <br /> quite a bit of discussion about the policy and the wording of the drafted policy was changed so that the <br /> housing authority would not be responsible for installing or removing the air conditions. The full text of <br /> the policy is as follows: "All air conditioner units are the sole property and responsibility of the tenant. <br /> The Mashpee Housing Authority is not liable for maintenance,, repair, replacement, or disposal of air <br /> condition units. The disposal of air conditioner units is the responsibility of the tenant. Air conditioners <br /> CANNOT be placed in the dumpster. All damages done by the installation or removal of air conditioners <br /> is the sole responsibility of the tenant. The Mashpee Housing Authority will not install or remove air <br /> conditioners." motion was made by Mr. Laporte, which was seconded by Mr. Halpern, to <br /> adopt the Air Conditioner Policy. The notion carried. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA (Communily Preservation Act update/repgrt from liaison: Mr. Halpern updated the board of the <br /> current proposals being reviewed by the CPA Committee. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: We received a letter from the Wampanoag Tribal Council <br /> regarding them helping an elderly tenant with her rent. Mrs. Botsford reviewed the case with the board <br /> and it was decided that the arrangement suggested was acceptable. <br /> The next regular meeting will be Thursday, June B, 2006 at 5:30 PM- <br /> A motion was made by Mr, Homeyer and seconded by Mr,. Laporte to adjourn. The notion <br /> carried. The meeting was adjourned at .40 P.M. <br /> Ilsu54-ZAJ <br /> '6tsford, retary <br /> ecutive Ditr <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Director's Deport <br /> For the month of April 2005 <br /> Program update: <br /> lfommer Village 7": we had all rents paid in full for March. we had one new tenant move into <br /> Homeyer village in March so we were at fail occupancy, but only for 10 days. A resident has passed <br /> away. I am in the process of selecting a new tenant for the unit who should be moving in sometime in <br /> late April or early May. This makes 6 unit turn-overs for this fiscal year, for which we only budgeted for <br /> . Another reminder to please be prepared for over-runs in contract costs (account # 4430), <br /> extraordinary maintenance (account # 6510), and probably maintenance materials (account #4420), as <br /> well. It really has been a huge year for unit-turnovers for us. <br /> BEgm Acres/70S: we had all rents paid in full in Mares other than the tenant that moved out on <br /> March 14. The unit she moved out of has been inspected and there is going to be quite a bit of work to <br /> do to get it ready for the new tenant. The tenant had an unauthorized dog and 2 eats and here is pet <br /> urine in all of the carpeting. once the carpets are pulled up (after the unit is painted), we will need to <br /> see what the extent of the damage to the under-lament is. I have started the process of selecting a <br /> new tenant for the unit who hopefully will be able to move in sometime in May. <br /> Page 3 of <br />
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