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Year-end re : Mrs. Botsford reiterated that the fee accountant is in the process of compiling the <br /> information needed for the year-end report. It will be done and submitted to DHCD by the end of July. <br /> The board will receive a copy of it and a written update next month. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Es : <br /> CPA Coning nitv Pmgrvation ate rgggrt from liaison: Mr. Halpern stated that the CPA <br /> committee would be receiving proposals for the next round of funding. There is a November 1, 2006 <br /> deadline.for submitting applications and you can submit more than one application. A brief discussion <br /> ensued and Mrs. Botsford stated that she would start compiling all the information needed to submit <br /> applications. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Botsford stated that today we received a letter from <br /> the CPA committee advising us that our Breezy Acres Modular Hone Expansion Project was not fronded. <br /> We can reapply. She also stated that in the board packet are copies of letters to Joyce Mason the Board <br /> of Selectmen regarding the buffer zone at Asher's Path. In addition, in the board packet, are copies of <br /> fetters to Representative Patrick and Perry regarding the budget for fiscal year 2007. Mrs. Botsford <br /> stated that she received a letter from Joyce Mason r .questing the housing authorlb/s review, comment <br /> and input on the affordable housing component of the town's Comprehensive Plan. It.was asked <br /> whether she provided a copy of the plan for each member ber of the board. Mrs. Botsford stated that she <br /> did not. Mrs. Botsford was asked to write to her to request that she provide one copy for each of the <br /> board members so that everyone could review it and give their input before her September i f 2006 <br /> deadline. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 10. A motion was made by Mr. <br /> H me er and seconded by Mr. Halpern to cancel the August meeting. The motion carried,, <br /> The next meeting will be Thursday, September 141r 2006 at 5:30 PM. <br /> A notion was made by Mr. Halpern and seconded by Mfr. H Meyer to adjourm. The notion <br /> carried. The meeting was adjou Med at 6.45 P.M. <br /> Res II u i <br /> ila'tsford, retary <br /> utie Dint <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Director's deport <br /> For the month of June 2006 <br /> grog ra m update: <br /> Home er illa a 567; we had all rents paid in full for and we are at 100% occupancy. <br /> Br@M A _ 5: we had all rents paid in full for and we are at 10010 occupancy. I do have one <br /> tenant moving in July so there will be unit turnover expenses. This tenant has been luring at the unit for <br /> a very long time and, although I don't expect tenant-caused damage, there probably will be gear and <br /> tear necessitating flooring replacement. <br /> 0 I attended the MHS Mashpee Human Services) meeting, the SMEDA (Southeastern <br /> Massachusetts Executive Directors Association) meeting, the SHAD (Small Housing Authority <br /> Directors organization) meeting, and the WH (women" Health Care Task Force). <br /> 0 I attended a regional meeting help with DHCD <br /> Page 3 of <br />